Chapter 1: The Prince

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Ok guys. This is my first yaoi fanfic so please don't hate me if it sucks. >~<


Kakarot walked around aimlessly on the planet. He figured out where he was almost immediately. It was Planet Vegeta. His home. There was a shadowy figure in the distance. It didn't appear to be one of his people, the Saiyans.

It seemed bald, and slightly shorter than Kakarot. Actually, a lot shorter. And it had a long tail, one that seemed lizard-like. Before he knew it, Kakarot was in a choke hold. The figure was in front of him, attempting to choke him to death with its long tail. The Saiyan gasped out for air and his eyes slowly began to close. The being chuckled maniacally, its voice sounding scratchy and almost feminine.

Then suddenly, he was dropped to the ground. As he instinctively gasped due to lack of oxygen in his lungs, Kakarot watched the strange creature whom almost killed him battle another short person. Only this person was about a few inches shorter than than the Saiyan. With one blast to the monster's chest, Kakarot's apparent hero killed the creature and slowly made his way to him.

'Oh God, what is he doing? Is he... Is he gonna kill me next!?'

Kakarot curled into a ball, fearing for the worst and preparing himself to be killed. Then he felt warm. The Saiyan opened his eyes and saw the stranger...hugging him?

'Shh...' it said, 'You're safe now...'

That was the last thing he heard before the area was filled with a weird beeping noise.


Kakarot groaned as his alarm went off. He lazily turned it off and went back under the covers until he heard his brother yell from downstairs.

"Kakarot! Get your ass down here! You're gonna be late!"

The door was slammed open and the Saiyan jumped up in alarm as his brother Raditz growled at him.

"Come on you idiot! You gotta go to school!"

"Oh crap! I thought it was Saturday!"

"It's Monday genius!" he heard his other brother, Turles, shout from downstairs.

Kakarot got out of bed as quickly as he could and got dressed. Then he brushed his teeth and grabbed his bag.

"Wait, what about your lunch?"

"I don't need it!" he screamed from the door and rushed to school.

~~~~~~~~Le Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

Just in time, Kakarot made it to school and quickly gathered his things for his first class before leaving with the other students.

Kakarot paid close attention to the lesson and made sure he did everything properly. It was bad enough his brothers made fun of him for being submissive to others, the last thing he needed was them poking fun at him for being dumb.

He was too busy focusing on solving a math problem that he slightly jumped at the sound of the bell. Class was over. He picked up his things and started to walk out of class when someone had pulled him away from the crowd. He looked up to see who it was and sighed at the result. It was Yamcha. The most perverted person in the planet. Although Kakarot was a shy and kind person, he hated Yamcha.

"What do you want Yamcha?"

"Aww, can't a guy see his sexy little lover?"

"I'm not your lover, and you're only saying that so you can sleep with me. I'm on to your games, and I'm not going to fall for your tricks. So you can just forget it."

"Look, I really like you Kakarot. And I want to be your mate. Please?"

On Planet Vegeta, it was quite normal for two people of the same gender (mostly males) to be together since there weren't many females around. But it was rather rare for a male Saiyan to have the ability to produce children. Kakarot was one of those Saiyans.

"My answer is no. Deal with it."

He walked passed Yamcha and went straight to his locker to prepare for his next class. It was his favorite: gym. Kakarot put on some shorts and a regular shirt and walked to the gym. He saw his friends, Krillin and Trunks, already sparring. He looked around and wondered who he'll be put up against.

"Kakarotto," the coach called.


"Today you'll be training against Vegeta No Ouji."

"Vegeta? But, isn't that the prince?"

"Vegeta!" the coach called out.

A Saiyan slightly shorter than Kakarot with spiked hair that stood up like flame walked up and started at Kakarot. A smirk formed on his face making the Saiyan's cheek turn a slight shade of pink.

"Good luck you two. And remember, fight hard but not so hard you'll end up killing each other."

And with that, the coach left. Kakarot couldn't help but stare at the Saiyan before him. He looked exactly like the man in his dream. And he had to admit, the prince was very attractive.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are we gonna fight?" Vegeta growled rather annoyed with the Saiyan staring at him.

"He sounds just like him too..."

"R-Right. Sorry," he replied nervously and got into a fighting stance, "You ready?"

"Hmph," Vegeta said doing the same, "Bring it on."


Anyway, sorry about the mistake guys. My app is being a bitch... I hope you enjoyed it though. Thanks for reading!

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