Chapter 3: The Prince's Mate?

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Omg I'm so sorry for not updating. My phone was acting up and I had to wait 2 days to get a new one sooo... Yeah. Anyway, here's the next chapter!


"WHAT!?" screamed the shocked Saiyan.

"Once a heir to the throne is born, he must wait for 18 years to choose a mate. Vegeta's birthday is in two weeks. He wants you to go to the party because he wants to mate with you!"

Kakarot mentally panicked. He was only 16 (I know Vegeta is way older than Goku but in this story they're only 2 years apart. Deal with it.) He was still young. And he definitely didn't want to mate with the prince.

"B-But why me!?"

"I wish I could say, but I don't know for sure." Bardock said sternly.

"But think of it Kaka," Gine said, "You can live in the palace and be the mate of the future king of our planet!"

"Yeah little brother. You'll be the richest Saiyan alive!"

"Yes but... I hardly know the prince... I don't want to marry someone I don't know or love..." he thought to himself.

"I just... I'm gonna go to my room..."

Kakarot walked up to his bedroom and shut the door behind him. Letting out a sigh of frustration, he laid on his bed and closed his eyes imagining what it would be like to mate with Prince Vegeta. He would live in the palace and have a life full of luxury. It was really amazing, but did the prince even love him? Kakarot refused to mate with anyone who doesn't love him.

Then the previous event came into his mind. After the battle, when he feel on top of Vegeta. A slight blush appeared on his cheeks. It was quite embarrasing for the young Saiyan. He let out another sigh and went back downstairs to spend time with his family.


The next day, Kakarot planned on avoiding the prince, which ultimately failed when he realized he had a bunch of classes with him. But of course, Kakarot still tried his best to act like he wasn't there. Finally, the bell for lunch rang and Kakarot dashed out of the class as quick as possible. He couldn't afford to bump into Vegeta, not yet. At lunch he saw his friends Krillin, Bulma, and Trunks and sat at their usual table.

"Hey guys," he casually said, "What's up?"

"Hi Goku. We heard you were invited to Vegeta's party. Looks like Yamaha has some serious competition," Bulma joked.

A slight blush appeared on Kakarot's face. They knew about the party too?

"Oh please, Yamcha doesn't have a single shot with him. Vegeta will probably kill him before he gets a chance to date him. Right Goku?" Krillin said.

"Yeah, I guess."

"What's wrong?" asked Trunks, "You seem a little down."

"Well... I honestly don't want to go..."

"What!? Why not!?"

"Yeah! Vegeta's the prince Goku, the prince! Why don't you want to mate with him?"

"What if he doesn't love me and just wants to use me?" Kakarot said a little annoyed.

Almost everyone had a crush on Kakarot. It was starting to get on the Saiyan's nerves. Most of them only wanted him for his body, which is what he hated the most.

"So you're not going?"

"I don't exactly have a choice. If I don't go, my family will be disappointed and Vegeta might do something bad to me..."

"Damn. That just be rough." Krillin said.

"No duh," Kakarot replied eating his food.

The bell rang again and everyone returned to class. But while he was on his way to history, Kakarot was pulled away from the crowd and thrown into a random room. He looked around panicking. Who grabbed him? And what do they want?

There were racks 28th cleaning items on them and a mop and broom. It must've been the janitor's room. The Saiyan looked up to get a view of his captor, and it was none other than the prince himself.

"V-Vegeta? What are you-"

"Shut up," he growled.

Kakarot instantly closed him mouth and shook with fear. This only entertained the older Saiyan more. Vegeta chuckled at him and leaned over to his ear.

"Let's have some fun, shall we Kakarot?"

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