Chapter 2: The Invite

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Hi guys! Here's the next chapter, I hope you like it!


Everyone watched in amazement as the two Saiyans fought. They seemed evenly matched.

"Come on Vegeta! Kick his ass!" some kids shouted.

"You can do it Kakarot!" others cheered.

Kakarot was thrown to a wall but he easily recovered and cupped his hands together for an attack.

"Ka... Me... Ha... Me..."

Vegeta followed as a purple aura surrounded him.

"Galick Gun..."

The two Saiyans continued to gather energy for their attacks while the crowd looked in awe.

"FIRE!" shouted the prince releasing his attack.

"HA!" Kakarot screamed doing the same.

The two blasts collided and Vegeta and Kakarot struggled for victory.

"Just back out now Kakarot! You can't win!" Vegeta smirked.

Kakarot growled and placed more energy into his attack attempting to defeat the older Saiyan before him. It was not long when Kakarot's blast began to overpower Vegeta's and the Saiyan prince began to panic. His heart rate increased each time his attack was minimized. And soon enough, Kakarot's attack took complete control and sent Vegeta flying to the other side of the gym.

The crowd cheered and everyone began congratulating the young Saiyan for his victory. Kakarot walked up to Vegeta and held his hand out to him smiling sheepishly.

"Need some help?"

The prince gave a small smirk and grabbed Kakarot's hand pulling him down. The Saiyan slightly yelped at the sudden action and fell on top of the prince. He began to blush when he looked up and saw his face was only mere inches from the older Saiyan's.

"What's wrong Kakarot?" Vegeta teased, "Are my looks too enchanting for you to move?"

"N-No!" he shouted quickly jumping off him and slightly backing away, "I just... Remembered an embarrassing secret."

"Like what?"

"It's a secret!"

The prince began to laugh at him and stood back up before walking over to Kakarot.

"Even though you beat me, which is entirely unacceptable, there's going to be a party at the palace and I want you to come."

A party? At the palace of King Vegeta?

"But, aren't only first class warriors allowed to go?"

"Not unless I invite someone else. It's in two weeks after school, and you better show up or else."

Vegeta left without another word leaving Kakarot alone in the gym. What did he mean by "or else"? What was he going to do if Kakarot didn't show up? He began to imagine all the horrible things Vegeta would do to him, and he didn't like any of them.

A shiver was sent down his spine from all those horrid thoughts and Kakarot chose to just ignore them. He grabbed his stuff and headed to the next class. But he still couldn't get Vegeta out of his head...


After school, Kakarot went back home and was greeted by his mother Gine. She gave him a hug and lightly kissed his forehead.

"Welcome home Kaka!" she smiled.

"Thanks Mom," he said, "Where's Dad?"

"He won't be home until later," she replied.

Kakarot nodded and went up to his room to put his things down and get changed. He still couldn't stop thinking of Vegeta's threat.

'And you better show up, or else.'

Kakarot shivered. Vegeta might be short, but he was very intimidating. Just his voice made Kakarot quiver in fear. He shook that feeling away and finished getting dressed. He wore a regular shirt and baggy pants.

After hearing downstairs, Kakarot saw the door open and his father Bardock stepped inside.

"Dad! You're home!" Kakarot smiled.

"Hey Kakarot," he replied going to the kitchen and sitting at the table.

"Welcome home honey," Gine said cheerfully as she continued cooking, "RADITZ! GET DOWN HERE! YOUR FATHER'S HOME!"

Kakarot sat beside his father and stated at the table as Raditz hurriedly ran downstairs to everyone else. Bardock noticed his son's strange behavior. Usually he'd ask him a million questions about work and what it's like being a Saiyan warrior.

"Son, is there something wrong? You seem a little down about something."

"It's nothing," he lied.

"Come on Kakarot. You can tell us," Raditz said taking a sip of water from a glass he took out of the fridge.

"Well... I was invited to a party by Prince Vegeta an-"

Raditz spat out his water and began to choke while Bardock and Gine gasped in shock.


Kakarot slightly blushed in embarrassment and looked up at his family.

"P-Prince Vegeta invited me to a party that's in two weeks after we sparred in gym class," he said shyly.

"Son, do you realize what this means?"


"The prince wants you as his mate."


Oh... My... Gami Kai... Well ain't this dandy for little Kakarotto? XD

Anyway, I hope y'all liked this chapter and have a happy New Year! :3

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