Chapter 1

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He's a retired pianist. She is a singer, and song writer, but only together he figure out the true meaning of music.

Went the lower keys of the piano, the sound alone was loud enough to startle the albino.

Looking over to the source of the sound that woke him up from his sleep, to see his cat sitting on the white, and black instrument, playfully smirking, so while her owner glared.

Slowly getting up, sighing while doing so the man raked his fingers through his gravity defining locks, and made his way to the evil little demon or as other people called them pets.

"Blair I told you not to touch the piano"


Simply rolling his eyes he picked up the feline, and proceeded to make his morning coffee.
Sitting down breathing in the scent of the bitter drink, he started his day.

Quickly shutting off the annoying alarm, the already awake girl headed out the door, and made her way to her job.
She arrived pretty early, but what can you expect from an overly punctual girl, after all she's an early riser.

Without wasting time she quickly made her way to the elevator, and it took her to the highest floor, floor 8 not very tall, but symmetrically perfect.

The doors opened signaling her arrival, she made her way out of the elevator, and into the music room.

You see the girl is a musician, and a song writer for her band Miester Resonance, the company her band worked under is her lead guitarist father's company the DWMA or Death Weapon Miester Agency, yeah she thought it was a weird name also.
It was three in the afternoon now, and she's walking home currently fumming, because they forgot to tell her practice was cancelled.

'Oh well at least I got to finish the lyrics for song I was working on'

Not looking where she was going she bumped into something, it more like someone, and to make it better they had coffee.

"I'm sorry" said the person she bumped into to.

"No, I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" she apologized while scratching the back of her neck.

"I still feel bad, my apartment isn't that far away, so I can lend you some clothes, and my shower. " The voice offered.

"Yeah sure, thank you" she smiled, finally looking at the person she'd bumped into to.

He had stock white hair, and piercing red eyes. 'An albino? ' she thought to herself.
We had made it to my apartment rather quickly, we talked the whole way so I guess that why.

I showed her where the shower was, and gave her my clothes, and patiently waited for her to return.
It had been about ten minutes before I heard really loud knocking on the door.
I sighed 'Why now?'

Before I could even get off the couch, and answer it the door was already hanged from the hinges.


I winced at my best friends voice, because let's be honest the aliens who live on Pluto probably hear his loud ass mouth.

"Sorry, I bumped into this girl, and spilt my coffee on her, so she's in my shower washing off. "

I saw him snicker, while wiggling his eyebrows. 'Oh great' I mentally sweatdropped.

"Sooo Soul is she... you know...cute?" I blushed a little. "I guess" I answered.

And he proceeded to yell about how he was going to embarrass me when she comes out.

I just dug my own grave.

And as if she knew what he was planning, she came out the bathroom, in my red plaid boxers, and in my all to big black tank top, which I'll admit she looked really adorable in my clothes.

Taking the towel away from her face, she now saw two men.
Blinking a couple of times, since the water from the shower made her eyes blur, she kept blinking them until her vision was clear.

And when it did she saw a blue haired man standing next to the man she'd meet earlier. The blue haired man she'd recognized as her own brother Blackstar had his jaw dropped on the floor, with eyes probably the size of saucers trying to comprehend what's happening.
"Soul...I didn't know to were into flat chested girls" Blackstar snickered.

"MAKA CHOP! " said girl ruffly slammed a book on her brother's head.

"I knew you were gonna do that" he mumbled from the floor.

"Then why did you say anything?!" she practically screeched.

Soul once again covered his ears. 'Her scream could rival Blackstar's' he once again found himself sweatdropping.

"I don't think it's a good thing hitting random people with books" she persuaded her to put her book down, since it looked like she was still lock, and loaded.

But before she could respond, Blackstar rocket jumped, and hooked his arm around Maka's shoulder.

"It's okay Soul, Maka here is my little sister" he grinned.

It was Soul's turn to be in shock.


'Related didn't see that coming, and I called her cute!!'

And in that note, Soul what thinking of all the ways that Blackstar would tease him about thinking his sister was cute.

He mentally groaned. 'I'm starting to get a headache.'

Author's Note: I'm stopping the first chapter here for today thank you for reading, I will get to the music parts in the next chapter, so enjoy! Bye~✌

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