Chapter 4

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Maka's Pov :

It's the weekend, and It's also been a week since my concert, and now the magazines say Soul, and I are 'thing'.

'Blackstar when I get my hands on you I'll wipe that laugh off your face! ' I screamed internally.

I took Soul, and I forever to finally get rid of all the paparazzi away from us, more than half of the body guards couldn't pull them away! I'm not going to even mention the fans.


"Ah, Thanks"

Yes, Soul's here...No nothing's going on, were just hanging out together.

Were watching an anime called Kyōkai no Kanata, or Beyond the Boundary, Blackstar recommended it, and I trust him on this since his TV shows usually look good to watch.

So, were in the living room since it's closer to the kitchen then my bedroom. Ooo it's starting I can't wait.



"Blackstar, you bastard!" We had just finished the anime since it was only twelve episodes long we finished it pretty quickly, much to my disappointment.

"When I find him, I'll kill him twice! No three times!" I yelled while Soul handed me multiple tissues. "Oh, come on Maka it wasn't that bad." he said trying to cheer me up, and possibly trying to get Blackstar from getting murdered.

"Not that bad?!" Then I proceeded to recap everything we just watched.

"At least it had an happy ending."

"That's besides the point." I said while pouting.





Soul's Pov:

I'll admit that was some feeled felt crap, like are you serious?! But it's good in the end. I look over to Maka, and she's still sulking, I guess it's time to change the show since it was still playing the ending song in the background.

I got up, towards the TV/ computer (A/N: You can use some TV screens as monitors for computers, that what I do, so I have a flat computer screen XD) , and grabbed the mouse, and changed it to this anime called Shingeki no Kyojin or in other words Attack on Titan, it looked pretty interesting, so why not?





No one's Pov:

'Shit' was the only thing Soul, and Maka had on their minds. They just binged all the episodes of Shingeki no Kyojin, and their OVAs.

Even though they found the eating humans thing really disturbing they couldn't stop watching it no matter how hard they tried.

It was eerily quiet in Maka's apartment, until Soul decided to be stupid, and say...

"Hey, Maka, what's another word for scared?"


Soul just smirked, and shook his head.

"Nope, it's PETRAfied."

"Soul get out." Maka pointed towards the door.

"Aww, but Maka I don't wanna go home"


"Okay, okay" Soul raised his hands in surrender, and walked out the door, but not before popping his head back in, and saying.

"You know Maka, your not HALF bad"

And with that Maka, was left depressed over one of her favorite characters, and Soul walked out of her apartment cackling so loud, it probably waking up the neighbors.

Author's Note: Sorry for not updating, in awhile I've had tests to study for, and writers block. Anyway I hope this chapter was okay, I made it so they were having a hangout over the weekend kinda thing, and I also didn't really wanna ruin Beyond the Boundary, since some people haven't seen it, but almost everyone has seen SnK, but If you haven't sorry for any potential Thank you for reading. Bye ~✌.

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