Chapter 3: Samantha and The Doctor

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Dean snorted.

"Hey Sammy, she's calling for you!"

Sam shoved Deans arm.

"Shut up. Aimy, who is Samantha?"

"Oh.... Sam? She's my parabatai."

Dean raised his eyebrows.

"Excuse me, your what?"

"Parabatai. The Mortal Instruments. No? It's a book series."

Sam and Dean were staring at me with blank expressions on their faces. 


"A parabatai is someone who shares a bond with you. You can only have one, and no romantic relationships. Except everyone ships Julian and Emma--but that's besides the point!"

"Jesus, Sammy, she's a nerd! Just like you! You could get married and have little nerd children and every night before bed you could read them nerd stories. About musical instruments and parabodies."

I glared at Dean. "It's pronounced paraba-TYE."

"Whatever. Why do you need this Samantha chick?"

"I need her because she's my best friend. I have to tell her how I almost got killed!"  Also, I'm too scared to sleep so she could keep me company. Hmm. I'm thinking maybe a Doctor Who marathon."

"No." Said Dean. 

"Why?" I countered back.

"Because I hate Doctor Who, for one, and two, because I already have to put up with you. I don't need to have to look after another teenage girl."

"Excuse me?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "Well, I find teenage girls very annoying. Not mature enough for--"

"Not the teenage part, idiot! Doctor Who! How can you not like Doctor Who!?! THE DALEKS! GALLIFRAY! THE CYBERMEN! BOW-TIES!...THE TARDIS!!!!!....CLARA!ROSE!!!!"

"Oh, God, not Rose!" Exclaimed Dean in a sarcastic voice.

"Ooh!" I narrowed my eyes. "Just for that I'm calling my parabatai over right now! And we are watching Doctor Who. We have ten hours. If we only watch season two then we should be able to get to Doomsday just before Mom gets home."

Sam and Dean were looking just a bit dazed as I pulled them over to the couch, started The Christmas Invasion, and ran to go call Sam.

I looked both brothers into the eyes. "Don't move. Watch. I'm getting Sam. She doesn't live far away so it should take her no longer than ten minutes."


"Hi! Samantha! You need to get over here now! I've got Cokes and the Doctor! I'll explain when you get here now run!"

"Oh. Ok!"

She hung up and I sat down next to the boys.

Mom's work was a half hour away so even after she finished her shift I'd take an extra forty or so minutes for her to get back. That gave us 10 hours and 40 minutes. Rose and Mickey were getting attacked by the evil Santas.

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