Spider Bite

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Claude and Sasha walk the streets. Claude had turned their little hunt into a date. She stood staring into a shop. In the window was a beautiful dress with a spider webbing lace on the skirt. The dress was black with the spider web lace being white. Around the neck line and the wrists was more lace and the skirt was a simple empire waist.
"What size do you wear?" He asks.
"Never mind," he goes in and talks to the lady. She goes and takes the dress of the mannequin. He pays and takes the dress out to her.
"Go change. We have a dance to be at in an hour," he says motioning her inside to change.

The ball is extravagant. Has to be for a party for lords. It's at Lord Pineheart's mansion. Claude had forged an invitation to the party and had Sasha as his plus one. He keeps a close eye on her. If the wrong people found out she was alive again they'd take her and make her remember everything. He couldn't have that. Especially the memory of a dark Christmas Eve. He adjusts his jacket then delicately holds her hand up and leads her down the steps to the dance floor. She had black glove on that went half way up the upper arm. Her hair was done up to be a bit more spiky than normal. She had on ratings and black makeup. Claude made sure to have her as beautiful as possible for this event. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Alois and Clara slow dancing to the music. He was too focused on Clara to notice Claude. Clara had her head resting on Alois' shoulder. He smiles and kisses the top of her head. Ciel and Grell arrive.
"Introducing Lords Phantomhive and Sutcliff!" The announcer bellows. Grell and Ciel have their arms linked. He takea Ciel to the bottom of the steps and then leads him to the side.
"Introducing Lord Tigrin Sutcliff and Mr. Adrian Crevan!" The man bellows. Undertaker sighs, pushing his hair back a bit. They go down and off to the side. A bit of a ways into the party Tigrin notices Sasha.
"Hey Adrian. Isn't that Grimm?" He points to Sasha holding arms with Claude.
"That is," Undertake says a bit shocked.  Grell starts to feel a bit sick to his stomach.
"What did you do?!"
"It was probably something I ate."
"I don't think it's us per say. But I can tell you nap time is almost here. Well for you anyways~."
"What is that supposed to mean?!"
"You'll see~."
"Give me a straight answer for once!"
"I did~."
"I hate you."
"Grell are you alright?" Ciel asks.
"I'm fine. I think I ate something," he replies.
"I hope it's not serious."
"It shouldn't be," the sick feeling started to turn into a bit of pain. The pain started heading up towards his chest. Undertaker slowly goes over to Sasha and Claude. Sasha turns to him.
"Hello!" She smiles and giggles.
"Sasha Grimm. The daughter of Mortimer Grimm also know as Shinigami- Lord Death," Undertaker says.
"How do you-"
"Back off reaper," Claude says stepping between Undertaker and Sasha.
"You can't stop me," he chuckles. Claude growls.
"Claude?" Alois sees him then smiles, "Claude!" He runs to Claude and hugs him.
"Alois, Clara," he says in a bored voice. Clara runs up to him.
"Dad, where have you been?"
"Doesn't matter. Take Alois home." Claude locks eyes with Clara. She understood and took Alois home. Claude looks back to Undertaker.
"Why can't she talk to her kind?"
"Because I say she can't-"
"Last time I checked you're not in charge of me," Sasha frowns.
"Sorry Sasha. I didn't mean it like that," Claude says. He cups her chin and smiles to her. She feels a blush well up.
"Hey! She's married!" Undertaker growls. He's very protective of the Grimm family.
"No I'm not," Sasha says. Undertaker looks completely surprised. Claude leans in and kisses her. She blushes a deep Crimson red. He pulls back. Grell wallops him in the jaw, hard. He growls a bit.
"Oh no he didn' just kill William's girl!"
"I'm going to kill him-"
The pain builds in Grell's chest and his vision starts to become blurry. He starts to sweat a bit. Tigrin is holding Undertaker out of the fight. Ciel starts to become worried.
"This is going to be interesting."
"What do you mean?!"
"We're having a heart attack."
"How are you so ducking calm?!"
Claude goes in to attack Grell with a golden knife when Grell flips back away from him. The party goers start to run out the main door. Grell pants a bit. He's feels a tightness building in his neck. His left side chest and arm are in pain. He side jumps when Claude goes to attack again. He kicks Grell as he jumps and Grell flies across the room and slams into a wall. Tigrin goes to attack Claude when Sasha defends and starts fighting Tigrin. Grell grabs his chest and tries to catch his breath. Claude grabs him by the shirt and lifts him up to his feet. He pushes Grell against the wall then sinks his fangs into Grell's neck. Grell screams out in pain. His eyes roll back. Claude lets go and Grell falls to the ground, bleeding from his neck.
"Grell!" Ciel states at the body laying on the floor lifeless. He grows angry and pulls his revolver. Claude walks towards him and takes hold of Ciel's neck. Ciel drops the gun and grabs hold of Claude's hand.
"Make a contract with me and I'll let you live."
"Never," Ciel mumbles out. Claude starts to strangle Ciel tightly. Undertaker and Tigrin are too busy with Sasha to notice. Claude drops Ciel when he's hit over the head with a chair. The chair is shattered. Ciel falls to the ground and gasps for breath. He looks up at the figure with crimson red hair.
"Grell?" Ciel asks. He could have sworn he was dead. Maybe he got lucky? He lifts Claude to his feet.
"Your eyes-" he's punched and he slide all the way across the room. Grell picks up the gun and checks the rounds.
"All slots are still full," Grell says but it didn't sound like Grell. He looks at Ciel.
"Did have the guts to use it eh?" He smiles wickedly. Ciel goes wide eyed looking at the eyes that now replaced Grell's. Instead of the Jade orbs, he now has Rudy ones. His eyes shimmer and his pupils slit. They they go back to normal.
"Your not Grell."
"No. I am. Not also not. It's complicated. If you would hold on a moment," he turns to Claude and aims the revolver, "no one tries to make a contract with MY Ciel. No one threatens MY Ciel. And NO ONE DARES to hurt MY Ciel!" He growls and shoots Claude in the shoulder.
"Damn it! Why can't I aim correctly?!" He sighs and combs his hair back with his hand, "that doesn't matter. Get out of my sight or I might not miss again." Claude quickly gets up.
"Sasha!" Sasha runs to him and they disappear. Tigrin and Undertaker look to Grell. He sighs and tosses the gun to the side.
"If you two would be so kind as to watch the young lord that would be amazing," he says then walks out the main door. Tigrin watches him leave.
"What's wrong with Grell?" Ciel asks.
"No idea. No idea at all."

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