Break Free

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Other claws at the glass. He was starting to get somewhere. His claws are long and black. He scratches on a large X, trying to weaken the glass. He goes as fast as possible. The air was starting to become thin. Smoke was starting to pour in through the cracks on the doo. The cracks weren't big enough to get leverage but just big enough for ventilation. The glass is the only way out. He claws faster. He was starting to feel light headed. He stops. He looks at ciel, laying on the ground. He told Ciel to stay down. Smoke raises so the breathable air is at the floor. He crawls to Ciel. He takes off his shirt, showing his scar. Ciel looks up at him. Other puts his shirt over Ciel's head.
"As soon as I break the glass, put this over your nose and mouth. It'll filter the air," Other says. Ciel nods. Other stand and glares at the glass with cat eyes. He leans against the back wall then makes a headlong sprint, using his right side to slam into the X on the glass. The cracks expand. He yells in pain and goes to the back to ram into the glass again.

Tigrin had to be in tiger form so Undertaker could have him on a leash. Reaper rules. William looks around then looks to Kori.
"Where's Phantomhive?" He asks. Kori looks around.
"I thought he was behind me," Kori replies.
"I was behind you," Sean says. William looks back at the building. He goes to sprint in but Undertake retake Shia shoulder.
"Where do you think you're going?" Undertaker asks in a deep and serious voice.
"To get Ciel!" William snaps. He couldn't hold his emotions back anymore. He was stressed with trying to find Sasha. Undertaker shakes his head.
"My keys are missing," Kori starts to freak out.
"Kori! You are the worst at keeping track of things!" Coraline yells at him.
"You don't think Ciel took them did you?" Sean asks.
"Wait- so you think Ciel took your keys?" William asks.
"It's possible. But I don't think he'd be that stupid. It would mean he hid in the confinement cell," Kori says.
"It's actually quite possible. Ciel hasn't slept in a week. But that doesn't matter we have to-" William is cut off by the west part of the head quarters exploding. Matthew breaks down crying. That's where his forge was. Sean stares at the main door intently. He looks at Kori then start to make a headlong dart before anyone could stop him.

Slam! Other slams into the glass agin. His head is so light. He wipes away a bit of sweat. The room as starting to get baking. Ciel had pulled off a few layers and was now in socks, pants and Other's shirt.  He was panting a bit from the heat. Other picks him up. He had to get through and get through now. He braced himself for the pain he was about to inflict on himself. He leans against the back wall. Ciel Vera his mouth with the shirt. Other makes the fastest headlong dart at the glass. He slams his right side into the X and the glass finally shatter. He falls onto the broken glass, some shards lodging into him. He didn't care. The adrenaline was pumping. He stands quickly on his bare feet and runs directly into the flames. He feels parts of his skin burning, especially his feet. He knows the layout from Grell. He runs for the stairs and uses his right side to push open the door. He cringes in pain. He runs up the stairs. They hadn't been taken over by the burning fires yet. He goes up a few flights to the first floor and makes a dart for the front entry. He stumbles and nearly falls. He spots a boy laying on the floor, his hair white with blue tips. Sean. He recognizes him from Grell's memories. He darts for the door again. He slams through the door and runs to the line of reapers across the long walk that would normally be a mini garden. He runs across the street and hands Ciel to William. The snow felt nice on his burnt skin. He turns on the balls of his feet and runs back towards the flames before anyone could grab him. He slams back through the doors and goes to find Sean. He has to go a bit slower. His eyes dart around. His pupils slit to filter the light. It was easier to see now. He sniffs trying to find the boy. He finds Darla on the floor as well. He picks her up and continues to search for the little Grimm. He finds the boy and picks him up as well. He heads for the door when a steel beam collapses in front of the door. He growls in annoyance. He looks for Windows. He finds one and makes a dart for it. His feet were starting to bleed. His legs feel whipped and cut by the flames as they lick and bite at him. He sets the two kids down and rips open the window. He pushes the two through then climbs through himself. He picks them both up and heads towards the group again. The sound of an explosion rings behind him. He drops to the ground and guards row two with his own body. He looks over his shoulder at the flames. He has to get up. He has to move. His body hurt so much. He drags them through the snow. He was barely able to stand. Kori runs over mad grabs Sean. Undertaker hands Ciel Tigrin's leash and runs over to them. He takes Darla and let's Other lean on him. Other's vision is blurry. He tries to stay standing but falls into the snow. He coughs. The snow become stained red. He sighs. Darla is handed off to Kevin. Ronald and Undertaker run to Other. He looks up at them, blood on his lower lip and chin. Undertaker lifts him to his feet. Ronald takes off his black suit top and puts it over Other's left side. They put their arms around Other and lead him towards to other reapers. Eric and Alan check on Sean. Sean starts to wake up. Kori hugs him. Ciel runs and hugs Other, letting Tigrin's leash fall to the snow on the ground. Alan take ahold of the leash so Tigrin doesn't get in trouble. He's a demon after all. Other sits down beside the tiger and pants. The cold air stings his burning lungs. William goes over to him and checks the wounds. Other has a giant bruise on his shoulder and down his arm and back. William sighs.
"We need a doctor over here!" William yells. Other states at him.
"They're not going to help. I'm a demon after all," he says.
"Then I'll head back. You'll switch back to Gre-"
"The only reason the body is still alive is because it thinks it's a demon body. You have us switch both I and the other Grell die. I have an idea though," he slowly stands. Ciel watches him, thinking he's insane.
"Superiour rank reaper bleeding to death here!" Other yells. He motions for William to lay on the ground. William looks at him confused then realizes what he's doing. William lays on the ground. Other sits back down and coughs up blood. Ciel uses Other's shirt to wipe the blood from his chin. Other smiles at him.
"Sorry Ciel."
"It's alright Grell," he smiles.
"Your just going to keep calling me that aren't you?"
"You are Grell. Yes you may also not be but to me you are," Ciel smiles. Other chuckles and pushes Ciel's hair back, staring at Ciel's contract circle. The doctor runs over and looks at William. William points to Other. The doctor nods and starts to patch Other up. Ciel clings to Other's (Grell's) left side. Other kisses the top of Ciel's head and tries not to pass out. His efforts were in vain as he promptly passes out. Ciel lays the red heads head onto his lap and strokes his hair. The England reapers watch as they headquarters burns to the ground.

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