Who's impressed by you, it's just the first time you look deep into theses eyes
I ain't into you, I don't know what you're up to, stop being so pure and true, there's nothing left of me for you
your cheap perfume doesn't even permeate the room, your smile is not a dazzle, your infatuation's just a useless puzzle
I believe you won't do what you ain't supposed to do, the smell of skinny love flows through the breezes you breathe in
And eventually you'd choke on the reality that says nothing's for you, I know you don't know how to say even though that faces says "Hey, I wanna talk to you too.."
For me it's just a plain attraction, tasteless, numb, and grey-scale, you don't know what to see, you have no idea the real me
I ain't worry but i'm sorry, I don't know how to refuse without breaking heart, I am broken, maybe that's why
Maybe that's you what i'm up to but I know sooner or later you'd understand, even tender love wouldn't make it sometimes