1. When he puts a record on the first night you stay over, try not to fall asleep wondering who else he's played the exact same one for. (footnote: also try not to cry when you hear those songs on the car radio later)
2. When he trails his lips across your skin, you'll be dizzy with it. Make sure to still keep your head on straight; it might take your breath away, but everyone needs air at some point.
3. When he talks to you late at night about his childhood, you're going to suddenly want to tell him all your secrets, all of your desires. Leave some of these out or they'll be tainted by memories of him every time you think of them.
4. When he takes you out and holds your hand as you walk, the world will be a little less heavy on your chest in that moment. There's nothing wrong with feeling sort of floaty as long as you know how to get back down.
5. When he tells you how good you look in your favorite dress, you're going to recall his eyes on you every time you wear it. It's fine to hide it in the back of the closet for a few months.
6. When he drinks he'll want to argue and you'll be hurt and confused in your equivalent intoxication, but remember to keep your thoughts unclouded. It's pointless for two drunken idiots to be shouting at each other over nothing.
7. When he texts you of the blue three months after you walked away expecting to never hear from him again, its okay if your heart pounds a little, but don't tell him that you miss him.