Joker's Ace

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Joker’s Ace

Chapter 1 - “The Undertaking”

Gotham city,

September, 22, 09

Dark walls keep me enclosed. I’m not allowed to feel the suns burning rage nor see the polluted clouds that hang over Gotham during the day.

Who am I you ask?

Who are you?

Are you a do-gooder?

 A criminal?

A bystander?

A victim?

A monster?

I myself am none of the above. I am lonely. For my name is Ace. A-C-E and more times than not I’m called Joker’s Ace or his little Ace of spades. And yes you heard me right, Joker’s Ace. Because that psychotic madman is my father, while I have no clue who my mother is I’m glad she’s not with me, so she’s not treated as a pet and only let out of my stupid factory to go out with father and commit various crimes.

“Ace” father called entering my room, “It’s time for a walk, get out of bed.”

“Yes father…” I said, obediently pushing myself off of my old box spring bed. Pulling a worn hole filled blanket off me I grabbed my dirty purple vest off the bare concrete floor and slipped it over my bare chest. Following father out of the factory I stayed quiet but winced every now and then from stepping on a shattered piece of glass and having it cut or stick in my bare feet.

“Now squirt” Joker said in a not so fatherly way as he roughly pushed his hand down on my head, knotting my long hair more than it already was. “This is the first heist you are doing on your own. It’s a big step for you and you will finally be able to taste all the freedom and joy I get when I rob a bank or get my hands on a valuable piece of art”


Outside the back entrance of the bank two guards stood watch, the guard on the right of the door stood about six feet tall and was well muscular but not overly buff like captain marvel. The second Guard was female and she was very short compared to her partner. Her hair color seemed to be black but it could have been a dark brown. The female guard was around five foot four and wore the typical security outfit of the Gotham city bank.

“You see anything?” the male guard asked the short female.

“No, but keep your eyes peeled. You don’t know what nut job is going to try and steal from the bank.”

“True” the male said fixing his baton on his waist, getting ready for a sneak attack. Unfortunately for him, he and his partner were unaware of my presence as I scaled to the roof in a monkey like manner and slid through an open ventilation shaft.

‘Man’ I thought bitterly to myself as I held a hand over my mouth hoping that it would keep me from inhaling the mass amount of dust that has accumulated in the ventilation duct. ‘This place holds most of Gotham’s money and they can’t pay anyone to clean the vents? Geeze these guys are cheap…’

Every now and then I would make a left or right until I found myself above the vault door with two more guards standing watch. I won’t go into detail of what the two guards look like let’s just say one guard didn’t look the brightest of all people. While the other looked like he was ready to strangle his partner. I waited for a good twenty minutes until one guard started to complain about being hungry. “John I’m hungry” one guard said in a childlike tone

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