It's Begun

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So, I've decided to make this story in memory of my close friend Kayla who recently passed away, the last thing she told me was that she was too into the Jardugall ship, so, I'm deciding to make this a thing, it's going to take priority for a while, I know you all love AIF and I thank you so much for that, I just wish, I really pray, that she had gotten to read this. Yeah, so, I might have slow updates on this, I may not, they may all be this long but they may just be 800 words, I don't know, I'm sorry if that upsets you but, I just can't trust myself right now. Thank you all for reading, I hope you're having a great day, I love you all.

Please, Please tell your loved ones you love them before it's too late, I cannot stress that enough, I know it's cheesy but you gotta tell them, you never, never know how long you or anyone else has on this earth, so, have no fear when asking a crush out, just do it, you get one chance, don't waist it. Anyways, that's my piece over, I hope you all are well and happy, I leave you with this story... 

"Beep, beep, beep, beep" is all I hear. my right ear rigging, a dull, plain horrid noise. My alarm. I groan getting up, throwing my blankets off, yawning and rubbing my eyes. Stretching and rolling my neck to click it as much as I can, sitting up, getting off the bed. Trudging downstairs.

"Hey, Sweet pea!" I hear my mom call, I smile and wave at her, yawning again, going over to make myself some breakfast, just cereal, nothing special. I down that, then head back upstairs, going into the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror

"Damn Jardine, you gotta fix yourself up..." I mumble out, starting to fix my bedhead, then some light makeup, it's just school, no need to act like it's a wedding. Once I'm presentable I head for my bag, putting my bag, sketchbook and pencil case in it, looking through, sighing softly at something I forgot I had.

"Shit... I nearly forgot..." mumbling to myself, looking at the piece of paper, the same one I've been reading all week. Over and over, waiting for this date to appear. Might as well go again, why not?

Sitting on the edge of my bed I look down at it "Taylor Jardine, on Monday the 12th you will be showing the new student, Jenna McDougal, around the school. As a prize student I hope you will be a good introduction to the school. Keep in mind she is not from here, she's moved from Australia. Please show her your best manors. Principle Davis." Sighing again I look at my clock "Monday 12th of January" this time I get up, putting it back in my bag, flinging it over my shoulder. Looking down, walking outside and towards my bus stop. I know I've never met this "Jenna" I know I shouldn't be nervous, I know I've done this countless times. It's just, all the pressure. It gets to me sometimes, to be the student that all the teachers look to, it's hard. Odd, smells like, kids? the smell of the bus, huh. Anywho, Sometimes I really do just want to say "no", to just run away or something, but I know it's a dumb Idea, that it'd fuck up my life up. It'd ruin my collage chances, I'd be know as "the girl who had potential but threw it away" I don't want that. Letting my body carry me as I trudge walk while my favorite bands play in my ears. 

During my in-head rant somehow I've manged to get to the bus stop, get on, and find my seat. Alone obviously, or, at least till Jordan gets here. One of my only friends, but I mean It's not like I'm complaining, I like the guy, he always been there for me. Then there's Lynn. My other close friend, she's so bubbly and cute, I love the chick, she's adorable. She gets dropped off at school by her mom so we don't get to talk on the bus, sadly.

Closing my eyes I zone out, relax and relish in the time I get here. This is my zen zone, when I can relax and calm for the day, my safe haven. Then one time I can just, relax oh fucks sake... looking to my side I feel Jordan sitting down next to me, I sigh softly in my head. Putting a smile on my face, even though I'm kinda pissed.

It's Begun (Jardougall) In Memorial Of Kayla. Where stories live. Discover now