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After I walked out of the lunch room the bell rang. Great class time.

<<<<<After 7 period>>>>

"Bella you have to come over I need helppppp pleaseee" I begged while walking out of class.

" fine just because you said please" she giggled

As we were walking Tim slammed me onto the lockers.
" you dumb bitch!!" He yelled causing a circle to form around us.
"You think it's funny trying to embarrass me in front of my friends u slut. I mean look at you your worth less you peace of shit"

I looked down " all I did was say no Tim because you cheated on me.." I whispered.

" you know Alex I have tried to be nice to you but u had to be the stuck up bitch, I mean look at your self you turn into a fucking whore know wonder your Taylor killed herself I would have too!" He yelled in my face. He brought his hand up to my neck and ripped off my neckless..

He threw it on the ground and stomped on it... It was the only thing I had left of hers he just broke it.. I felt like I was completely broken.. Next thing I knew I felt a hard objected hit my side making me scream out in pain.. I saw Bella yelling for someone but that's all I saw before I blacked out...

I woke up in a room which wasn't mine.. The memories came back to me the hitting the yelling and him breaking my neckless... How could he a single tear came out but I wiped it away.. I'm stronger then this I remind myself..

I hear the door open and I see jack come in..

"What am I doing here?!?" I wondered

"Bella yelled me over when I got there I saw Tim kicking you so I beat his ass and took you to my house to clean you up" he mumbled

"Thank you" I whisper

Jack looked at me his eyes seemed so much brighter then before. He was very attractive. I couldn't stop staring. he coughed "so how do you feel?"

"Um I feel fine I guess, thanks you so much I know I was being a bitch earlier and I'm sorry" I smiled lightly

"Eh no problem well you can stay over sense it's 1:22 in the morning" he said

" But were would you sleep?" I asked

"In my bed, I won't touch you don't worry" he reassured me.
Oh- um o-okay" I stuttered and turn around after he shut the lights off. 10m later I felt his arm rape around me. I smiled to myself maybe this was going to be a good year like Bella said.

I woke up with an arm around me. I smiled at the thought of last night. I turn around and see jack. He opens his eyes.
" What the fuck are you looking at" he grumbled.. "Nothing um i-ill go" I look down and walk out " hey" he said "yes" I look back with hope that he would apologize. "Will you shut the door on the way out" he laid back down.

"Wow jack wow, I thought you were nice I thought you cared but clearly you don't, your an asshole I never want to see you again you dick!" I storm out of the house into mine. I never thought I would fall for someone like him, I'm so stupid. I eventually get to my room and find my phone and bag on it.

I grab my phone and see I have 34 messages. Damn there from Tim, Bella and max. I don't respond I just sand there and wonder what I'm going to do with my life. I miss her I miss  Taylor she was all I had. I fall to my knees. "I'm broken" I whisper "I'm stupid I'm a whore I wish I died and not Taylor" I yell at myself and cry. why did she leave me. If I noticed that car coming just maybe I could have saved her just maybe...

(That's jack in the pick)

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