who'll protect Lucy?

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The morning was hot and unnaturally sunny for being a random fall day. A popsicle would melt within 2 minutes of being outside.

No breeze.

Lucy sat in her apartment with Erza. They've become good friends since that mission. Natsu was outside, listening in to the conversation. He wanted to be with Lucy without her knowing.

"So you had to stay at least longer than 4 hours with Natsu! How'd you survive?" Erza asked. Natsu's ears perked up.

Lucy sighed, "you know he's not that bad. Sure he's got bad manners. He always complains. He's very lethal. He's abusive. He hates everyone. But I've seen him be kind bad people aren't born bad, they're taught," flashes of the other day reminded Lucy of Natsu's kindness. Natsu blushed and smiled while looking down.

"Hmm whatever you say," Erza said laying back with coffee in her hands.

Lucy smiled.

"You said that Natsu once beat Levy, who's Levy and why haven't I met her?" Lucy asked.

"She was a script mage. She left Fairy Tail long ago and we've never seen her. We tried to stop Natsu but Levy made it worse, in the end she gave up and quit," Erza said.

Erza then explained the story where Natsu was on a mission and Levy was also on that mission only they didn't know. Natsu confused her for an enemy and almost killed her because he didn't know she was from their guild. That's why he likes to get to know members now in secret.

When Erza finished by ending it with, "and we never saw Levy McGarden again." She said it with longing and sadness.

"Did you go after her?" Lucy asked full of sorrow.

Erza shook her head, "master said not to."

Lucy shook her head, "if something like that ever happens again. I want you to go after me."

Erza laughed, "let's hope that won't happen again."

Natsu narrowed his eyes at Lucy's words. Erza brushed the words away.

"Now Lucy would you like to join Gray and I on another mission?" Erza asked.

Lucy smiled at her, "sure!"

*** time skip to the guild ***

Lucy's P.O.V

I was reviewing the request board with Gray. He often complimented me at random times.

Gray is really sweet but he strips to much.

"You look really cute in that," Gray said without looking at me. He was blushing.

"Oh, um thanks!" I said smiling.

I'm wearing my favorite brown boots and black leggings, with a tight red shirt and light brown jacket. My hair was down except for a portion that hangs at my side tied down by a bow.

I reached out to grab a mission but once my hand touched the paper it was dented in the board before I knew it!

"Natsu!" Gray spit out quickly. I pulled my hand back. I haven't made eye contact with him. I cool myself for a second and then turn to look at him.

"That mission is to dangerous!" Natsu said.

I was taken back and Gray went to my side. Natsu glared at Gray.

"I'll protect her," Gray said calmly.

I subconsciously looked to see if anyone was listening and then realized EVERYONE in the guild was watching. They all looked surprised.

"Natsu I can do the mission," I mumble looking at everyone.

"Fine!" Natsu snapped. I watched this vein bob from his forehead.

He turned away from me and then ripped the paper from the board.

"What now?!" Gray yelled raising his voice at Natsu.

Natsu smiled sadistically.

What's he planning??

Natsu grabbed a fist full of Gray's shirt and then smirked as he said, "I'm going with you guys!"

Natsu going with us?

"Why? You'll just be annoying! And completely unwanted!" Gray yelled at him.

Gray must hate Natsu or something.

"You're probably right. But if I go, you'll just be in the way, so I'm only going to protect her," Natsu said and threw Gray backwards next to me.

"Erza? Why you got a thing for her?" Gray snapped laughing. I looked at him and now... Gray's in his underwear. -_-

"What? No, Stripper! I'm going to protect Lucy!" Natsu yelled giving Gray a nickname.

"W-why?" Gray asked stuttering.
I blushed a deep red.

"Because you'll end up killing both. If I protect her then... at least someone will survive," Natsu said looking away with a glare on his face.

"No way!" Gray yelled at Natsu.

Lucy sighed, "where's Erza when you need her most?"

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