A request picked out by Lucy

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(Okay so I added some special characters! The first user to figure out who they are, make sure to write it in the comments! Hope you can figure it out! This chapter will show you Team Natsu's relationship. Enjoy)

*** The next day...

"Good work everyone!" Erza complimented everyone who worked on the soon-to-be guild.

They all cheered and went home.

But that day Lucy, Happy, Gray, and Natsu had gone on a job. (Lucy's choise)

Erza was doubting they could do it themselves so she thought about joining them.


"Reread the mission please, Lushee," Happy requested the blonde mage.

Natsu crossed his arms as he walked beside Lucy. Gray looked the opposite direction of Natsu.

"We have to break into a witches shop and break her potions," Lucy explained," the details. We'll get them from the requestor."

"Okay, but why do we need to break the potions?" Natsu asked rudely not looking at anyone.

"Because it's the request! IDIOT!" Gray yelled.

Natsu turned around to face him sharply and Gray did the same. They looked at each other angrily with bitter looks in their eyes.

"Guys stop fighting!" Lucy snapped at them.

Gray looked at her then said, "stay out'a this."

Natsu punched him and said, "don't say something like that to My Lucy!"

Then Natsu looked at Lucy, "please stay outta this."

Gray and him got into a fist fight after that.

Happy flew around them yelling things that were ignored.

Lucy watched and sighed, "well next time we'll just leave one of you boys back home."

Gray and Natsu both looked at her and shouted in sinc, "HIM!"
They pointed at each other.

"Lucy loves me more!" Gray yelled.

"She's mine!" Natsu snapped back bitterly.

"No she's mine!" Gray yelled back.

"Lucy's mine!" Natsu yelled again.

Happy sneered at Lucy and then snorted as he said, "They Liiiiiiiiiike you."

Lucy growled, "shut it cat!" She tried to swat Happy away like a fly

He flew away from her.

You'd probably deny that they're the strongest team in Fairy Tail.

"That's enough everyone!" A strong yet firm and controlling voice shouted causing everyone to stop and stare at her.


"You're so acting like children!" She announced in her voice, you know, the voice that could control 12 armies.

"S-sorry Erza," they all said in sinc.


"Do you know who the requestor is, Lucy?" Erza asked.

Lucy nodded, "a guy named... Yukio Okumura? That's all I know."

Erza nodded, "what about where to find him?"

Lucy shrugged.

Natsu watched Lucy's reactions to Erza's questioning.

"Stalker," Gray muttered to Natsu. Natsu ignored him.

Natsu's weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now