Happy on a mission with them

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In the end, when Erza came back from packing it was to late...


Natsu and Lucy had already gone away on a mission alone. (Happy snuck into Lucy's backpack in secret)

"Natsu the mission takes place in Crocus, right?" Lucy asked

Natsu nodded irritated.

"So... can you tell me what it is?" Lucy asked.

Natsu scoffed, "you didn't see it when we were in the guild?"

Lucy shook her head.

"A rich guy has this book that we're after. Once we get the book we burn it then tell this other rich guy. The rewards raised to 5,000,000 J, so there's a plus. All you do is get us into that mansion by dressing into a maids costume," Natsu said. He seemed uninterested in having a conversation.

Lucy wished Natsu would acknowledge her better but right now feels like a miracle.

"AAACHEEEWWWW!" a cute kitten like sneeze came from inside Lucy's backpack. He sneezed because of Lucy's new perfume.

Natsu's reflexes kicked in and he instantly ripped the backpack from Lucy's back and slammed it into the grass.

"Hey! Lushee be more careful!" The high pitched sound of a familiar blue cat came from inside the bag.

The cats head peaked out just to see Natsu pissed, and Lucy surprised.

"Happy?" Lucy said in awe.

"Hey there, Luigi!" Happy cheered.

Natsu scoffed.

"It's Lucy!" Lucy screamed. Natsu instantly covered her mouth, she was to loud.

"Shut up," Natsu turned to the cat, "go home."

Lucy remained quiet still having Natsu's hand over her mouth.

Happy shook his head, "n-no way!"

Lucy brushed Natsu's hand away from her mouth, and she went to Happy's side, "come on! Happy can join us!"

Natsu growled, "fine! But if it-"

"He*" Lucy corrected.

"If HE dies it's not my problem! I don't trust that thing!" Natsu growled.
Happy looked down with a sad look.

Lucy grabbed Happy and hugged him, "Natsu's not really a bad guy," she whispered into the blue cats ear.

Natsu's eyes widened as he heard what she whispered. (Dragon slayer hearing)

Happy smiled and then jumped into the air, "aye! Now let's finish this mission!"

"Haven't started it yet, Happy," Lucy said bluntly.

"Oh, then let me know when your done," Happy hopped back into Lucy's bag just to fall out again because of Natsu.

"No! Go home you're already giving me a headache with that voice!" Natsu yelled.

Happy blinked with a sad look. Lucy was the only one effected by the cats sad look.

"Awww! Come on Natsu! Let him come along!"

"He'll only die."

"I'll protect him!"

"You couldn't protect anything even if you tried!"

"I'd protect anyone I care about!"

Natsu sneered, "I meant that you have no power to protect someone. Your weak."

"That maybe so but nobodies weak unless they try to be, I can be strong!" Lucy said.

Natsu rolled his eyes and waved the two off, "if the cat dies. It dies. Won't be my problem. Unless... can I eat it?"

Lucy nabbed Happy and cradled him, "no way!"

Natsu grit his teeth, "Lucy... I will not hesitate to hurt you! I've done it before!"

Lucy blinked, remembering the time he slammed her body against the ground just by a small push, and when he slammed her body against the boat, and then there was that tree...

"I don't care!" Lucy yelled closing her eyes tightly and holding Happy.

Natsu finally gave up.


"Aye!" Happy yelled at Lucy's excitement to finish this mission.

"Wait!" Lucy yelled looking at the place Natsu was (literally) seconds ago. "Where's Natsu?"

Happy sighed, "he ALWAYS does this! Follow me!" He charged away and Lucy followed.

The two were running down a dirt path, it was very narrow.

"Where did he go?" Lucy asked.

Happy shook his head as he ran, "he probably went to finish the mission out of anger."

Lucy sighed, "sounds like him."

They kept running but couldn't find him.

After 20 minutes they realized they themselves were lost.


Natsu walked back out of the bushes, he had to pee.

He told Lucy and Happy that he was going to go.

They obviously didn't hear.

He looked around panicky.

"Dammit!" He screamed, "LUCY?!"

There was one thing he failed to tell her was that there was still monsters here. It wasn't until you'd get close to the mansion that there wasn't any.

He burst out running sniffing everything, but it was hard because of Lucy's new perfume. He didn't get a wiff of her new perfume and is now and officially screwed.

"Lucy?!!" He screamed again.


"AHHHH!" Lucy and Happy ran past trees as the ground shook. A big hairy beast chased them from behind.

"Lucy use magic!" Happy yelled as they ran. He had his eyes squeezed shut afraid to become paralyzed with fear.

"Good idea!" Lucy hollered she turned around sharply and pulled out her key, "open hate of the bull! Tarus!"

A DING dong was heard and then a walking bull with abs and an ax came out of nowhere. The bull only swung once and immediately sent the monster flying! "Moo! Ms. Lucy! Your body looks even better than last time!" The bull said.

Lucy immediately sent him back before he gave Happy any ideas.

Lucy and Happy got a break and Happy cheerfully praised Lucy.

"Good job!"

"It was nothing."

Happy sneered, "I was surprised! I thought your weight would tie you down back there, and I'd have to carry you."

Lucy's anger boiled, "stupid cat!" She pulled out her key but Happy was surprised.

He burst into tears, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me with the perverted bull!"

Lucy sighed, "ok let's just go find Natsu."

Happy nodded and then started screamed, "NATSU! NATSU." He flew ahead a bit.

Lucy was about to hush him when a deep growling was heard from behind her.

She turned around getting her hands on her keys ready but dropped them just as she catches a glimpse of the beast.

Natsu's weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now