Chapter 4

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My mom gave me the present and I was in tears of joy, I couldn't hold them back, "I was waiting months for this and I finally got it, I can't believe it." I said in my head I stood up and went running to my mom and dad I gave them a kiss on the forehead. I even texted my best friends about everything that happened that moment. I couldn't wait I just couldn't. "Mom are you ready for a road trip!" I screamed to her excited
*End of flashback*
"IM HERE OH MY GOD IM HERE IS THIS REAL IS THIS A DREAM!" I screamed in my moms face when we got to the stadium.
"Oh my god Olivia it's not a dream you're actually here calm down please." My mom said more annoyed then ever.
See the reason why she annoyed was because I wanted to seat in the front row seats and they where having a concert called first there first served and I wanted to get there early so I could sit in front, that's not the only thing because we live all the way in freaking Aiken we had to drive 9 hours to get to Miami, Miami was the closest place we had that cnco was performing in. It was about 4am when we got to the stadium. I begged my mom to take me to the stadium because I wanted to see it so I could believe It, we got there and I just looked at it for like 10minutes then my mom said "Olivia come on we are coming back in like 5 hours, let's go to our hotel get some reset, wake up get ready and then we come back, deal?"
"Deal." I said
We drove to our hotel, got out of our car, got our bags, went to the front desk and got our card/keys to our room.
"What room do we have mom?" I asked
"Room 404." My mom said
"Wow that's all the way on the top." I said excited
"Yeah." My mom said
We got to our room, put the card/key in the lock and opened the door. The room was kinda small, just two normal beds, the walls were reddish, the sheets were white and brown, we had a small refrigerator, small coffee maker, the bathroom had two sinks, a shower, and a toilet.
"Alright mom I'm waking up at like 7 and you can week up at like 8:30, deal?" I asked
"Deal." My mom said
"Okay, goodnight mom love you." I said
"Goodnight mi Bonita." My mom said while turning of the lights
So many thoughts came to my mind that I couldn't fall asleep until 5:40ish.
"Only like 2 hours of sleep, oh my god calm down Olivia there is going to be a lot of people there you're probably going to be the ugly one, please calm down." I said to myself
*beep beep beep*
"Wow, it's 7 already, but whatever i'm waking up because i'm going to have the best day in my life!" i said excited in my head
I got my clothes I was going to wear to the concert which was a black & white 'Los angels' crop top, high wasted short shorts, a black & red vintage flannel around my waist, and black Authentic Vans. I washed my hands, put my contacts so I can see, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I got into the shower after doing my regular routine. It was about 7:50am when I got out of the shower, I dry up, did the regular girl things like put lotion on, put deurdunt on, after, i put on my clothes and started to do my makeup, and I did my hair in a messy bun. My mom was already ready when I finished my makeup which means I spent to much time on my makeup. Oops.
"Mom lets go have breakfast, go upstairs brush are teeth, get are stuff and then we leave to the concert." I told my mom
"Alright, whatever I just like that you're really happy!" My mom said excited
Remember I wasn't in my best, will ever since I joined the cnco fandom and the one direction fandom, my life has changed. We got into the elevator and I couldn't believe who just screamed at us telling us to wait on them.
"Wait please stop the elevator!" A guy's voice screamed
I touched the open doors button, the doors opened and I couldn't believe who was there in front of me. He got in the elevator and I said.
"Ummm...I'm sorry I have to ask but're Alan from the tv show la Banda right?"
"Yup that's me, thank you for opening the elevator doors by the way." Said Alan
\\\\\*Authors note*/////
So Alan was in the show so I wanted to put him in the story. I just wanted to tell you guys.
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"Yeah no problem, I know you get this asked a lot but do you think we can take a picture?" I asked Alan
"Yeah definitely with a beautiful girl like you I would always like to take a picture." Said Alan
He probably said that to all his fans so I didn't have my hopes up or anything.
"Thanks you probably say that to all your fans so I won't let it hit me.....oh my god I'm sorry I said that." I said.
The reason why I told him that I was sorry was because when I said you probably say that to all your fans his face expressions change.
"No it's fine...I actually don't say that to my fans you're the first fan I've said that to." Alan said kinda sad
"I'm sorry...I really didn't think you would say something like that to me I'm so ugly and you know so many people." I said
"I know but you're just so freaking know it's okay let's take our picture...and after maybe I can put my phone number in your phone." Alan said
"Yeah okay that would be great." I said
We took our picture and then the elevator doors opened.
"Um let me put my phone number in your contacts real quick."Alan said
"Yeah, I will text you so you get my number in your contacts too." I said
"Okay great um one more thing." Said Alan
"Yeah?" I said in a question way
"What's your name?" Alan asked
"Olivia." I said
\\\\\*Authors note*/////
I hope you like this chapter.
I'm sorry that I'm bad on updating the fanfiction .
I kinda felt like leaving it at a cliff hanger. I guess you can call it a cliff hanger.
Happy New Years by the way.
Hope y'all have a great year.
I love you guys all and thank you so much for reading.
\\\\\*Authors note done*/////

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