Chapter 2

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Saturday went pretty slow. I had therapy that day, which to be honest went by pretty fast I thought it was going to be slow but it wasn't. My mom picked me up like at 10am I had therapy at 8am. We went home, my dad usually works on Saturdays but today his car was in out parking lot which was pretty weird to see that on a Saturday.
"Good morning dad" I said when I got close to the kitchen
"Morning honey, how was therapy?" My dad asked
"It was the usual we talk about my feelings, how I'm doing, what has happened this week, yeah the usual." I said
"Oh okay, are you going to ask me why I'm here?" My dad asked
My dad knows me pretty well and he knows I was wondering why he was here.
"Yeah I was going to." I said
"Well I'm home because they are shutting the company down, I have an interview in Miami which I'm pretty sure you would like to move there, I'm leaving to the interview after Christmas , and if I do get the job we would move 2 weeks after December."
"Wow, that's a lot of information for one simple question, most of the time you answer with a oh I didn't feel like going or we didn't have to go to work today, but you answered with a oh yeah we might be moving and the company I'm working for is shutting down, yes I'm fine with the part that we might be moving to Miami but it was just so much information." I said trying to catch my breath after saying that long sentence. I'm really happy that we might be moving just that my friends are here, I would have to restart my whole life over.
"Yeah I know honey." My dad and mom say at the same time
"We talked it over and over again and we made the decision to move to Miami of your liam gets the job, we can restart are life's over again, fresh, you know?" My mom said in a questionable way
"Yeah I know what you mean, it's just that i dont know if I want to restart my life over again, I was just starting to fit in." I said to my parents
"Olivia don't worry to much about it, I'm going to my interview after Christmas, we don't even know if I'm going to get the job, we just planed it out in case I get the job." My dad said sounding mad/stressed
"Okay I understand thanks for telling me." I told my parents I gave both of them a kiss on the forehead and went to my room. It was like 11am when I was heading to my room I got in my room and I knew it was going to be a slow day after that. I texted my friends telling them about the news
Me-hey guys I have news.
C-what is it?
L-tell us!
Me-okay, so I came back from therapy and my dad was home I asked him why he was home since it was a Saturday and he mostly works on Saturdays, he answered with the company shut down, I'm going to a interview after Christmas in Miami, if I do get the job we are moving to Miami 2 weeks after December! *crying*
L-you're lying right?
C-you have to be lying.
Me-I'm not lying I really might be moving.
C-you can't LEAVE!
Me-Sorry, I really want to leave but at the same time I don't I want to because it's Miami and let's be honest la Banda is over there, that's so fucking cool, it's not as boring over there as it is here, I don't want to move because I'm actually finally starting to fit in, ESPECIALLY YOU GUYS I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU GUYS.
C-ily you guys, I have to go grandma is calling for me, we're probably going to do something and I need to spend sometime with them.
L-me too, I have to go ily guys bye.
S-I have to go too, my parents want to go eat out and they don't want me to take my phone for some stupid reason, so I have to go to okay bye. Ly guys!
O-okay bye guys love you all too!
11:30am I looked at my clock every second, this day can't go any slower I said to myself. I decided to take a shower, do my nails, do my make-up, and my hair. When I got done with all of that it was 1pm. Finally pm I said in my head. I decided to go down stairs and ask if we could go out and eat, they said yes. We usually go out and eat most of the time. My parents were ready, my sister was ready my grandma was ready. Yeah I know it's weird to hear about my grandma because I haven't talked about her, but oh my grandma is the best thing ever I'm just so thankful for her. We went out to go eat at Ihop, we retalked about what might happen after December, took everyone's opinion on it and my parents seem pretty firm about there decision. We got our food and didn't talk until one of us finished, we left and went home. Tomorrow is Sunday, tomorrow I get to see la Banda, It's Christmas Eve, and its Louis Tomlinson birthday. I said in my head while talking off my makeup. I got really bored so I decided to play some music, I got my headphones, connected my headphones to my phone, and put my playlist on. I knew today was going to be slow but not this slow. I just can't wait for tomorrow and Monday.
////author speaking////
I'm sorry that I haven't put any of the guys or anything related to la Banda in the story. I will I promise just give me sometime please. Thank you for reading.

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