Smile Yunhyeong/Jinhwan

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The wind blew softly making Yunhyeong clutch tight on his jacket. He puffed out some air and rubbed both of his hand to produce heat. " Are you cold?" someone said. Hearing this voice, Yunhyeong smiled. He knew this voice belong to Jinhwan.

" Yeah." he answered looking at Jinhwan. " let's go home, you don't want to die of coldness right?" Jinhwan said and held Yunhyeong's hand. Yunhyeong nodded and walked along with him. Both of them were awkward until they arrived at place where they call home.

Jinhwan entered first while Yunhyeong took of his shoes. Yunhyeong plopped himself to the couch playing with his phone. His eyes caught a sight of Jinhwan talking with someone on his phone. He just shrugged it off and continued to what he was doing.

Jinhwan sadly sighed as he sat down on the couch beside Yunhyeong. He covered his face with both of his palm and let out a frustration sighed. " who are you talking with?" Yunhyeong asked looking at him. Yunhyeong rolled his eyes because Jinhwan isn't answering.

" hey, are you okay?" he asked again. Jinhwan shook his head and sat up straight, he face Yunhyeong and held his hand. " Yun, I'll be out for work in 1 week. I'm sorry," he said and looked at him sadly. Yunhyeong smiled and kissed his forehead. " There's no problem, but I'll miss you. I hope you enjoy your work." be replied but suddenly he kissed Yunhyeong lips.

He gladly return the kiss but Jinhwan quickly pulled away. " Wait for me okay?" he asked and Yunhyeong nodded.

Jinhwan was getting ready to go. But he felt pair of arm embracing him from behind. He smiled as Yunhyeong duck his face to Jinhwan's neck. " Yah, while I go out for work. Don't cheat on me, okay" Jinhwan said sternly. Yunhyeong laughed and nodded. "okay,"

" Bye, I think I'll go." Jinhwan said and pecked his cheek. Yunhyeong smiled sadly and waved to him. When Jinhwan open his luggage, he found a note being stick to his sweater.

'smile always, don't be sad - Yunhyeong'

He read it and smiled. 'so sweet' he thought and keep the note in his pocket.

Hye!! Double updates!! Enjoy it!!

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