Stay For Tonight

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*Rose's POV*

"I really...really like you. Like for real."

The words are out of my mouth before I can process it. I stare at Josh, heat rising to my cheeks. There's a certain look on his face, but I can't seem to place it. The room is silent, and that starts to scare me. His reaction is enough to tell me that he clearly doesn't feel the same way about me.

But then his lips are on mine.

It takes my mind multiple seconds to comprehend what's going on. When I do, I seem to magically sober up. I kiss him back, reveling in the fact that he kissed me. I didn't have to anything, except say the truth. And god, was I glad I did.

I continue to kiss him, stretching my torso over the island, trying to get even closer to Josh's body. I want him. I need him. He puts both of his hands on my face, slowly pulling back. My eyes flutter open and I'm greeted with a smile.

"I really like you too. Like, for real."

I let out a small giggle and the heat rushes back up to my face. God, this night could not get any more cliché. But I'm not complaining.

We went back into a state of silence, but it wasn't awkward. I think we were finally comfortable in each other's company. Presuming that Josh isn't going to try to kiss me again, I lean back in my chair. picking up the half-empty water bottle and take a sip. My eyes drift around the room and it suddenly hits me that I'm in Josh's apartment.

"Wait, you live here?"

Josh is taken back by my sudden outburst, and slowly nods his head up and down.

"You make it sound like a bad thing."

I mentally slap myself, thinking about my poor choice of words.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that you live here. In this state. Literally like twenty minutes away from Casey and I. Oh my go-. Does Tyler live here too?"

Once again he nods and I have to refrain myself from jumping out of the chair. Casey will never believe what's happened today. Josh reached out to me, kissed me, and then told me that her biggest crush ever has lived less than twenty miles away from her for god-knows how long.

"That's insane."

"I think the word you're looking for is sick." I look up at him, my brows furrowed in confusion.


"Nothing. Never mind." He lets out a small laugh, exposing his dimples that I have recently grown very fond of.

Acting on impulse (and the small amount of alcohol still left in my system), I get up from my seat and the island and slowly walk over to the counter on which Josh is leaning. I wrap my hands loosely around his neck, catching him by surprise. His hands instinctively wrap around my waist, instantly sending sparks throughout my body. My eyes lock onto his beautiful brown ones and I lean in, attempting to kiss him.

"Rose," Josh clears his throat, causing my eyes to shoot back open. He pushes gently on my hips, and i take a hesistant step back.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" My self confidence instantly spirals to zero.

"No, no, no. Not at all." He tries to reach for my hand, but I'm too quick to move it away. His arm instantly recoils and I can physically see the pain in his eyes.

"Then what is it? I thought you said you liked me?"

"Rose, I do. I really like you." He says, attempting to hold my hand again. For some reason i let him, and my sadness manages to slip away.

"I just feel like I'm taking advantage of you. You've had a lot to drink tonight and I don't want to do something to you that you might regret."

I scoff, rolling my eyes. Yeah sure, I'm not totally sober, but I'm getting better with every second And if anything, the urge to kiss him only gets stronger as the alcohol wear off.

"Drunk or not, I' capable of saying no."

"Yeah but I'm scared you'll say it after it's too late."

Angry, I turn around and begin to look for my shoes and jacket. I don't want to be here anymore if Josh isn't going to let me make my own decisions.


I ignore him, walking through the small hallways, trying to find a way out of the apartment. I can hear Josh's footsteps behind me but i pay him no attention. I somehow manage to end up in the living room and find my stilettos next to the couch. I quickly pick them up, and begin to head for the front door.

"Rose, where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here." I reply sharply.

As I turn the door handle, I feel Josh's hand wrap around my wrist, spinning me around to face him. I gasp, surprised at the lack of distance between us. His face is less than four inches away, and getting closer.

"Please stay. Just for tonight. I don't trust the people in this city."

As much as I want to defy him by slamming the door in his face, I had to acknowledge that he had a point. There were some sketchy people walking around this late. After thinking it over, I let out a sigh and nod my head.

"Fine, but I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning. "

Josh smiles, grabbing my other hand with his and leads me back into the living room.

Sorry if this chapter sucked. I'm not in the best state of mind rn so.. anyways, hope you liked it.

I almost ended this chapter with "probs gonna regrets this"
It's a Saturday.
Don't judge.

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