28. Broken Dreams

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When Deva woke up, she was still in Lucian's arms, and he was watching her with concerned eyes. She smiled to lessen his worry. "I'm better Loosh. I promise and thank you."

He returned a smile. "Any time Deva. I'm here for you, always."

"I don't deserve your care, not after what I put you through." He watched the sadness wash over her beautiful face.

"Deva I never blamed you for anything. So you love my brother more than me. Yes I was hurt, but I understood and respected your choice. I just want to see you happy."

"Like I said, I don't deserve your kindness."

He almost laughed at her stubbornness but instead pulled her into a hug that she welcomed full heartedly. "Silly girl," he whispered into her hair. "I love you, and no matter what you do or who you fall in love with I will never stop loving you or care for you. I'm here for you; therefore, you're stuck with me for a very, very long time baby doll."

She wanted to cry again for his warm words, but thought differently. "I love you too Loosh."

"Good, now go wash up that beautiful face of yours, and we'll go get you something to eat. I can hear your stomach waging a war."

She laughed, and he felt relieved that he could distract her somehow. She got up from bed and stretched out her stiff limbs. "I am a little hungry."

"Then hurry up."

"Ay ay captain." She didn't take long washing up and getting dressed because she honestly didn't care what she looked like.

Down in the kitchen, they found Chef placing full plates on the side table. It looked like her favorite foods and figured he was probably trying to cheer her up after the news.

Chef opened his arms for her, and she hugged him. "I spent extra time on your food so you better enjoy it and eat every bite."

"Do I ever leave a crumb of food on my plate?"

He laughed. "No bella. You never do."

He left her and Lucian to eat alone. They didn't talk much, and Deva was okay with that. She wanted some quiet time to think things through. She wasn't sure what was to come after this because she felt like there was no place for her anymore. Marcus had Julia, and she already told Lucian how she felt about him. Darius could never be hers again; so there was no reason for her to be there.

Just when they were about finished with their plates, one of the butlers walked into the kitchen in search of Lucian.

"My prince, the Queen wishes a word with you and Lady Deva."

"Tell her we'll be there soon."

The butler bowed his head and walked out.

"What do you think she wants to talk about?" Deva was seriously curious.

He put his fork down. "I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it has to do with something about Darius' new situation. It will complicate things."


Lucian got up and pulled out Deva's chair for her; so that she may get up also. "He can no longer be king. He has stepped down in order to take care of his mista- I mean responsibility. That only leaves me and Marcus."

Deva took his hand in hers. She wasn't sure why, but she really needed his strength right now to face whatever was to come. They started down the hall towards the sunroom.

"There are three girls left. If Julia is the queen she would choose Marcus, even though I know he doesn't really want to be king."

Lucian nodded. He knew very well how his brother felt about the throne, but also knew that if it came down to it that Marcus would do it reguardless.

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