18: His Maid's Old Master

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*unedited* I start off in third person and I skip around to other people, so there is a lot more skips in places. Hopefully you don't get lost, if so comment below and I will try my best to answer anything that is troubling you. :)

Chapter 18

Third P.O.V

"Hello there, my Dove." River hastily turned around and clenched her fist by her side trying to hide her fear, which really didn't work all that well; she was still shaking like crazy. River always hated what this man could do to her just by looking at her. He didn't even have to move, she was already scared shitless. "Seems like you're still the same old River, I thought in your time away you would have at least gotten over your fear of me, but it seemed your fear has actually grown. Poor little girl, I won't harm you," he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her back making and making her knees weak. He took notice to that fact and grabbed on to River's shoulders.

"D-Don't touch me!" She screamed, falling backwards into the grassy ground. He shook his head, coming closer.

"Why won't you say my name River? Did you forget? Surely not, come on just say it," he demanded. River didn't want to say his name; it's like poison on her tongue. River rarely said it before, but now he wanted me too. She couldn't just ignore him; he was still her master by contact. "Say it!" he yelled this time, losing his patience.

"N-Nicholas," she said, looking down glaring at the ground. Damn it.


Sebastian stared out the window as River ran into the forest as fast as she could, not looking back. He wanted to stop her; however, knew that she left for a reason and he would find out. And from the worried faces Alex had been making he knew clearly what was going on. "Where is she going?" asked Ciel as he entered the room. Sebastian turned his attention to the Young Master, in deep thought.

"I don't know my Lord, yet I think I know who does," he explained, which in turned caused Ciel to raise an eyebrow. The only other person the young earl could think of was Alex, who was currently nowhere in sight.

"Go fetched Alex Sebastian," order Ciel. Sebastian bowed and exited the room leaving the boy to himself. Taking a look around the room, Ciel's azure eye caught something hiding in the corner; a letter, the one that River must have dropped before she left. He carefully opened it reading its contents.

She was planning on leaving uh? Now why is that River, is your Master really that strong? Ciel thought to himself. Rubbing his temples, he sat down on a nearby chair. So much is going on right now; first he has to find the murder that appears to have worked with Crimson Shadow and second to find this so called hideout that River has gone too. So much to do, yet so little time.

"My Lord it appears Alex has went back to the manor, should I prepare the carriage?" the demon butler asked. Ciel looked at the butler and with a nod of his head they were off to the estate.


The black kitten sat in the window seal, scanning the tree line for the demon butler and his Master. Chi-Chi knew River was planning on leaving, but she didn't expect her to leave so soon. Chi thought she would have time to warn her about Nicholas tell her who he really was, what he really meant to her. Now that she's gone, River will have to find out about her past from him and knowing her, she will not take it very well.

If only Chi-Chi was in her true form she could go after River; she did after all know where she was, but if Chi went to the hideout in this form she could easily be killed. She would need another demon to accompany her.

"Chi-Chi where are you?!" yelled a voice that sounded familiar to Alex's. Before chi would even move, the door flew open, hitting the wall revealing a red eyed black haired demon. He looked like he was about to explode from anger, yet his eyes were covered in sadness and fear; most likely for River. Alex was very close to River, so he must be worrying out of his mind right about now. "I need you to help me to find River. I know you can do it Chi they may not know who you are, but I do," he explained. Chi-Chi looked surprised that Alex knew about her when she hid it, not even River knew that much about Chi ever since she lost her memories. River just thinks Chi a normal kitten.

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