13: His Maid & Butler Find Clues

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*Unedited* Hello guys, sorry for being a little late, but here it is. Now I just wanted to say that within this chapter there are some key details in the upcoming events. So be looking out for that as you read. :) Also for any of you wondering, this is nowhere near the ending. I still have like 20 more chapters that I am planing on writing and I may add Alois and Claude into the story, but that is still undecided.

Chapter 13

I never knew fire could hurt so much for a demon, or in my case half-demon. I tried to push it to the back of my mind, but it was too much for one time. Now I wished I would have listened to Alex when he told me not to go because I wouldn't be in the situation right now.

I was tied to the familiar metal tables of the laboratory, where I spent countless of times fighting off death. This was the place that made me hate him so much to the points of no end, but it was also where I swore to put an end to Crimson Shadow.

The room was still the same over the months that I have been gone---grey, dark, and smelt of blood; the metallic tint was always in the room.

I tried looking for a way to somehow cut the chains, needless to say, I didn't.

"Look who we have here. Did you miss me River?" In that very moment, my heart dropped to my stomach. I could recognize his voice from anywhere; the one that taunted me every night, the one that whispered in my ear dirty remarks, the one that touched me with his vile hands. That was the voice of evil.

I closed my eyes, holding back the tears. Sebastian please help me.

Three Days Before

Sebastian kept looking at me out the side of his eye as we rode back to the manor. This is why I did not want to ride up front with him; I would rather run back than sit there while Sebastian stared me down with his glare. It felt as if I was just a tiny ant and he was a giant monster ready to kill me. Had I done something wrong?

"River who is Alex?" He sudden question caught me off guard, so I sat there wide eyed staring at the road ahead of us.

"A-A friend," I said, clearly not wanting to talk about the subject. Sure, I understand why he would want to know, but it was a touchy topic for me ever since the Crimson Shadow thing. For all those years I hated Alex because I thought he left me for dead, but it was the exact opposite. He looked for me, fought for me, and I felt bad about hating him. I even wished he would die in some freak accident.

After that Sebastian did not say anything else, we just sat there in silence as we awaited our destination. The silence; however, was killing me no matter what I tried to do. So I gathered up all my courage and asked this one question.

"Sebastian why are you mad at me?" I watched for any sudden movements, yet he stayed still, not moving an inch. It was a while before anything happened, but even then it was only because we arrived at the manor. Perhaps I had made him angry, yet the reason was unknown to me.

"River can you come here?" Alex said as he walked ahead of us. I looked over to Sebastian, earning a look of question from Alex. I rubbed it off, walking towards him. Something was clearly in his mind, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

I opened my mouth to ask Alex, yet couldn't because of the glare he was giving me. Perhaps what he wanted to say was only meant for my ears to hear.

I lead Alex to my room, making sure no one followed us. Closing the door behind me, Alex took a seat on my bed. He ran a hand though his hair, a sign that he was nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He never got like this before; whenever something was troubling him he would tell me.

"I don't know how you will take this," he confessed. I ran my hand across his jawbone.

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