Chapter 03

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"Not again" Raine groans as she throws the papers in her hands as it is of no use, she was dreaming.


"I am sick and tired of hearing that word. How many times do I have to flush to get rid of you?"

"What's a flush?"

"Why are you terrorizing my dreams go away, haunt someone else?"

"But this is not dream"

"Huh?" Raine frowns before looking around to watch all of the warriors stopping to watch her talk to herself and making weird hands movement as well faces.

"I get that you cannot see the little girl I am talking to right?" she slowly asks and they all nod.

"Its okay, we can understand my daughter always talks with her imaginary friends so it's okay" one of the warriors speaks making me cringe.

"I don' don't have any imaginary friends" she defends herself.

"Oh my bad, I forgot you have no friends" the man smirks and she just fists her hands trying to control her anger.

"Ha-ha, move along men before I put something up for you all to regret for the rest of your life, like the video of you jerking off and moaning UT's name...

I am sure then Rom will like to be all of yours best friend" she shouts warning the men who throw evil eyes her way while she just smiles their way tightly.

"Go on don't be shy, show me how many middle fingers you have boys" she taunts them and the men are way smarter than they let on they quietly walks away while she laughs her ass off and then starts to sob.

"I hate my life, leave me the hell alone" she glares at the girl who just stands staring at her.

"You really should"

"I get it, I need to follow you, I know, but I don't want to. I am not interested in anything that you want to how me, just go and show it to someone who is interested to look at the sorry state of your life" she snaps at the girl who frowns.

"Oh...okay then, I do have someone who is interested," she murmurs but Raine just ignores her and runs out of there.


Holding her breathe Raine slowly pokes her head out to see if that little girl was around and she sighs in relief as she does not see the girl.

"Damn, that was easy," she grins pumping her fist in the air before she turns to crash into someone's chest.

"Fucking Raine, what the fuck are you doing in here?" Rom's hard voice makes her wince and she slowly looks up to stare at the man and the men behind him.

"I was just..."

"You missed your calls" Ryan speaks as he smiles her way making her cringe as she remembers that she was supposed to help them on the upcoming meeting held all around the planet earth with every living Alphas to talk about a few very secrets things even she was not allowed to speak.

"I was on a bathroom break"

"Oh ya? And which part of these walls reminds you of a bathroom?" Rom asks raising his brow perfectly.

"She was busy talking with her imaginary friend actually" one of the guards snickers and she grits her teeth planning to take revenge on him but when she looks his way she frowns.

"Who are you?" she asks the man.

"Beta Warren from Martin packs on the duty my lady" Warren winks her way and her breathe stuck in her throat.

Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now