Sick Fridays

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My phone alarm woke me up as usual. Another 3 hour sleep night, great. I live alone, my dad? I don't know where he is, I haven't seen him since I was 2. My mom? Traveling the world. My phone buzzed.
--------New IMessage from Luke😻" ---------
Luke😻- You driving to school today? Cam isn't feeling well so looks like it's me nd you today!
Maybe we'll hookup in the car. Lol just kidding but I wish he's so fucking hot oml! I got ready and put on my usual, leggings and sweatshirts! I think my ass got bigger, nice. Oh shit I should text Luke what time to come over. It's fucking 7:30 kill me now it's so early.
"Come over around 8 so it gives us time to go to dunkin, love ya" I texted him.
Brushing my teeth, hair, contacts. Perfect I'm ready as always. Maybe I'll put on a little mascara, why the fuck not? I cleaned up my room a bit just in case ;) lol jk.
I went downstairs and turned on my TV. The News is on how intresting. I sat on my couch on my phone going through snapchat and Instagram the daily. I guess you could say I'm kinda famous idk. I heard my doorbell ring, it's lukeeeeee. I answered the door and saw the hot blonde hair swooped up with those bright blue eyes😻
"Hey sexy" I said.
"Hey" Luke replied with a wink.
"Come in hoe" I said and Luke came in laughing.
I closed the door.
"Are you ready to get going?" I asked.
"Yea just let me finish sending this text real quick." Luke said.
"Can't you text and walk?" I said making a a sarcastic face. He just looked up at me and smiled while rolling his eyes. I turned off my TV and grabbed my keys. Luke got up and opened the door and walked to my car. I closed my door and locked it, following Luke. We jumped in my convertible and drove off. It's a nice day in LA damn. I looked over at Luke and his hair flowing is so hot it makes me feel some type a way. I pulled into a dunkin donuts drive thru and got our regular. Iced coffees and bagels. Delicious. I continued driving to our school and parked. It's 8:30 just in time. We walked in together and of course all eyes are on us. You'd think it'd be fun living this kind of life but it's actually so weird after a while. Not that I'm ungrateful for it. The bell rang.
"See you later lukey" I said winking.
"Peace home slice" he said back.
I walked to my regular classes texting Cameron.
"Hope you feel better, I'll stop by after school." I texted him.
He's probably still sleeping, cute.
I walked to literature, chill af teacher. I walked to my friends Trevor, Ryan, Tyler, and George. I'm glad that I have classes with most of them cause they're super funny.
"MACY, OVER HERE" Trevor said.
He's my favorite out of all of them, I walked over there smiling. I sat down next to them and put my bag down.
"So what's new guys?"
"Football" George said.
"Girls" Ryan said. Biggest fuck boy.
"Nothing much how bout you?" Trevor said.
"Nothing really, how bout you Ty?" I said.
He seemed a little bummed.
"I might break up with my girlfriend" he said.
"Oh......why?" I asked.
"I'm just not as happy as I was in the beginning of our relationship, plus she talks to so many guys i don't know if I can trust her anymore" Tyler said a lil sad.
"Oh sorry to hear about that bud, text me if you need someone to talk to" I replied
"Thanks macy" Tyler said hugging me.
Tyler's really tall and really hot.
Class started.
After school me and Luke met up.
"Hey do you wanna go eat somewhere?" Luke asked while we were walking to my car.
"Uh sure where do you wanna go? I asked.
"Panera?" Luke said.
"Sure, I love their soups" I replied.
I drove there and Luke was singing some music to me, it's funny how he doesn't know the words though.
When we arrived and ordered I texted Cameron.
"Hey me nd Luke are at Panera, want me to get you something?" I asked.
While me and Luke were in full debate if penguins could fly or not and why not Cameron texted me back.
"They cannot! You're stupid!" I said.
"They can't cause they can just flap their arms, THEY ARE A BIRD" he said. He's lucky he's hot and can sing.
"Hold on ill get back to this and spit some fire at you" I said.
---------New iMessage from Cameron😽--------
Cameron😽- "Could you get me a broccoli cheddar bread bowl pls? Love youuuuuuuuu"
I got up from Lukes silly argument and ordered what Cameron wanted. Once they gave me the food I returned to Luke and he sprinted up to me shoving his phone in my face.
"Jesus Luke could that be any closer?" I said laughing.
"No look at this picture oh my goddddd" Luke said.
It was on a magazine of me and Luke. The title said "More than friends?" Paparazzi is so fucking annoying man.
"Let's get outta here before the paps find us." I said.
"True" said Luke.
We left and I put Cams food on my lap.
When we got home Luke kissed my cheek goodbye and said he's gonna go to sleep cause it's been a long day. I walked across the street and rang Camerons doorbell. I heard slow footsteps. All of a sudden I saw a pale white Cameron with a stuffy nose and puffy eyes.
"Oh my gosh Cameron are you ok?" I said worried.
"Yea just hungry and tired, come in" he said sounding congested.
I walked in with his food and set it down on his coffee table since I know he likes watching movies in his couch and eating. None of us live with parents thank god. I set up his food and sat on his couch picking out a movie. He walked over to me and sat down. I picked "While you were sleeping" a romance movie on Netflix. He started to eat his bread bowl.
"Are we seriously going to watch this movie?" He said.
"Of course" I replied smiling.
When he finished eating he put his head on my shoulder. I layed my head on his. I started stroking my hand up and down his back. It must suck feeling like this, especially on Friday.
In the middle of the movie Cameron shifted upwards and looked at me. I turned and looked at him.
"Pretty emotional movie" I said.
"I know" Cameron said.
Cameron started to lean in and I backed away.
"Cameron you're not looking so good right now" I said.
"I know, I know" he said looking down.

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