Getting Digits

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When I got out of the limo I was walking with Ashton.
"Jesus" I said quietly.
The flashes were almost blinding.
"Tell me about it" Ashton said back laughing and I started to too.
Only a couple of more steps and then freedommmmmmmm. Of course my dumbass tripped and Ashton caught me.
"Thank you so much, that would have been bad" I said embarrassed.
"It's ok macy nothing to be embarrassed about we all fall sometimes" Ashton said.
"That was very fun to watch" Luke said laughing.
I nudged him and scrunched my nose smiling.
He just laughed. When we got inside our waitress took us to our booth. There's 10 of us, oh god. At one end was Niall then Michael, Liam, Calum, Me, Luke, Louis, Ashton, Zayn, and Harry at the other end. She gave us our menus and said our waiter will be coming soon. I grabbed the menu and looked at the pasta. Our waiter came and asked what we wanted to drink.
All the boys ordered and I didn't know what I wanted.
"And for the gorgeous lady?" The waiter asked with a smirk.
"I'll stick with water thank you" I replied with a smile. And the waiter left.
All the boys looked at me.
"Yes?" I said laughing.
"The waiter wants to fuck" Michael said.
Every one of us started laughing.
When we ordered I got a pasta and everyone else got some sort of meat.
"How can you go that long without meat?" Luke asked.
"I don't know I just got used it" I replied.
"That's pretty cool" Liam said.
"I guess haha" I said.
"What made you become a vegetarian?" Liam asked.
"Well I actually forgot but I just feel really bad because the animals have feeling so I saw a video of a cow crying cause it saw all its friends being slaughtered so yeah." I said.
"Wow, depressing" Zayn said.
"True" Niall said with food stuffed in his mouth.
I started giggling. When we finished eating the waiter came and gave us the check. It's always a competition who grabs it first. I managed to swipe it first.
"Macy cmon it's my treat" Louis said.
"No I'll pay" Liam said.
"Nah guys I got it" I said.
"No really I'll pay" Michael said.
"Cmon vegetarian your meal didn't even cost a lot it's not fair if you pay for all of us" Calum said.
"Guys I'll pay" Niall said.
But while they were all arguing about who was gonna pay I pulled out my debit card and put it in the check. When the waiter came everyone looked at me not to. I still gave it to the waiter.
"Babe I could of paid" Louis said.
"No it's ok it's my treat" I said.
When I got my debit card back from the waiter I saw a piece of paper coming along with it. The waiter winked at me and left. I put my debit card away and looked at the paper. It says
"1773-123-4567 is my number call me ;)"
I started to giggle and Calum looked over and saw what I was reading. He snatched the paper and said "MACYS GOT DIGITSSSS"
I got embarrassed and grabbed the paper back. The boys started laughing. I looked down. Luke moved his hand to mine under the table and I looked up at him. He gave me a smile and I smiled back.
"Who's ready to leave boys!" Louis said loudly.
"Me" all the boys said expect Luke. He's still looking at me. And I at him. He's gorgeous but Louis and Cameron are too.
Everyone was leaving the booth so I scooted out too and Luke was behind me. We were walking to the limo together. I am so tired I want to just sleep. While we were in the limo I passed out on lukes shoulder. Next thing I know it's our stop. Me, Louis, and Luke all got out. I was so tired my eyes were half open. Luke and Louis saw how tired I am so they just let me be. I walked inside and took a relaxing shower to take the makeup off. Once I got out I changed into booty shorts and a sweatshirt. I layed in my bed and passed out.

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