*An Unexpected Turn Of Events*

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I ran as fast as my legs could carry me past the thousands of doors on both my left and right. I took a turn to the right and continued running. I didn't have time to think of where i was heading because the men from before had sent three guards after me and they were catching up quick!

'What do I do?!' My mind was racing almost as fast as my body.
'Think Jack, think!'

I took a sharp run to the right and had to grab onto a painting that was hanging on the wall to stop myself from running through a window in the end if this hallway.

'A dead end. Just what I needed!'

"He went that way, hurry!" My heart was in my throat and I couldn't think straight.
I wouldn't like to think what they would do to me if I was caught.

'This is no time to be freaking out, Jack!'

I forced myself to think. Looking around I spotted a single door. I could hear the guards voices getting louder and I did the only thing I could. Taking a chance and burst into the room closing the door behind me as quickly as I could.

I stood with my ear to the door and finally sighed in relief when I heard the sound of heavy feet against wood get more and more faint.
When I was sure they were gone I turned around to take in my surroundings, but in that moment I realized I wasn't alone.

There on the windowsill sat a girl around my age with platinum blond hair. She looked at me with a pair of ice blue eyes that didn't show any emotion at all. Here gaze was captivating, like she was older than her looks would let one believe, but it was a cold gaze. Full of sorrow and betrayal.

"Um, sorry for barging in like this, but I was... Kinda in a tight spot." I scratched the back of my head." It's bit of a long story..."
She just kept starring blankly at me, like I wasn't really there.

"My name's Jack. What's yours?" I asked. For some reason she just kept starring. I kept looking at her, expecting an answer.
Suddenly, it seemed like she finally realized that I had just asked her something.

"Don't you know?" Her voice surprised me. It was cold, jet soft and melancholic." Oh, right. You wouldn't..." She trailed off. Leaving me with another unanswered question.

"Oookay... So, I'm Jack and you are...?" I asked again, taking a step towards the girl, but stopped and backed up again when she tensed and pressed herself against the window, suddenly wearing an expression of panic. Her eyes were filled with so much fear it almost scared me.
I took another step back, to show her that I wouldn't do her any harm.
She seemed to get the message and she relaxed a bit.
"My name is Elsa."

"Elsa, that's a pretty name." I said without even thinking it over. I mentally kicked myself, when I saw that her cheeks were a bit more rosy than before. She obviously found the carpet very interesting 'cause she kept her gaze down and weirdly enough I did too.

"So, what are you doing here, anyway? Pardon me, but you don't look like someone who works at a castel." Her voice sounded and I looked at her face once again.

"Hey, i could work at a castel!" I looked down myself and mentally agree with the girl. "Anyway, as I said before it's bit of a long story, but I came here to deliver flowers."

"Flowers?" She raised a brow. Her lip ever so slightly curved.

"Yes! What's so wrong with that?!" I spat, but immediately wanted to eat my words. I expected the girl to start crying or something, she seemed so fragile, but she just shook her head.

"Nothing. It's just because you don't have any flowers." I looked at her. She was right, of cause. I had no flowers, but she didn't make fun of me like all others that found out I delivered flowers and that made me weirdly happy. I didn't think I cared if they made fun of me, but it was actually kinda nice not having to fend them of everywhere I went.

"Mr. Di Marzini, the decorator who needed the flowers, took them. Those flowers brought me in a lot of trouble, actually."

"What kind of trouble?"

"Well, first everything was going great! The sun was shining, the birds were singing and I was knocking on the door to the castel."

I heard a giggle.

"You knocked on the castles front door?" I was surprised. Her laugh was... Cute.

'Wait, what?! You didn't just think that did you?!?!?!'

"No, no, no. I knocked on a backdoor."

"Oh, that explains it. I just imagined you walking up to the front door with a basket full of flowers and knocked." We both chuckled a bit.

"No, that would have been a sight for sore eyes, but I only have permission to walk into the castle by the backdoor."

She mumbled something and looked like she was lost in thought. That gave me the chance to take a closer look at her face.

She was actually really pretty. Her platinum blond hair was sat in a braid and her brilliant blue eyes were full of light. Her face was majestic, with high cheekbones, but she also had this cuteness about her, like the soft sprinkle of freckles across her rosy cheeks.
Not too to bad.

"Stop it!" I mumbled to myself.

"What?" Elsas eyes meet mine.

"Um, um, nothing" that was all that escaped my lips.

"Anyway, please continue." She gestured with her hand for me to continue my story and I did.

I told her about Mr. Di Marzini, she giggled at me when I told her I hadn't been able to find my way and I played offended which made both of us laugh. I also told her about the room behind the green door and about the rich looking men and their plans.

First she had looked at me like she wasn't sure if I was joking, but a bit into the story her face became expressionless.

Suddenly, she dumped down on the windowsill, making my heart take an unexpected travel to my throat.

"It can't be true..." She almost whispered "They have been his trusted advisors for as long as I can remember. What should I do?" Of cause the last bit about what to do was more to herself than me, but I don't always think before I speak.

"Tell him. I mean, I would love to, but my word against theirs is an unfair match." That came out a bit angrier than I meant for it to sound. I guess I'm still angry about my place in the world.

"And you are absolutely sure that it is true?" I nodded." Well then, it is my responsibility to tell my father about all of this."

Then once again I spoke before I had thought it through.

"Wait just a minute. Why tell your pops? I thought you were going to tell the King?!"

She sighed.

"I am. The King is my father. I am princess Elsa of Arendal, heir to the throne."

I had never felt more clueless.

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