02 | Wherefore Art Thou Kiryu?

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Kaname had started his plans ten years ago. He weaved a web of lies and manipulated those around him into doing what he wanted without ever giving the appearance of being anything other than a boy who had just lost his parents tragically. His plan was foolproof. Every angle was covered; every possible reaction was predicted and had a counter plan. He had enemies and friends alike like pawn on a chessboard, sacrificing when necessary to protect his Queen.

The Pureblood slid his hand several times on his neck giving it some light massages. He was tired, the paperwork did not leave him rest and sometimes an unexplainable pain attacked him. The nightmares were also part of the package. He looked out at the windowpane behind the desk and forced himself to continue reading. He couldn't concentrate anymore. He looked at his watch and realized it was midnight and daylight to humans.

The brunet sighed deeply before leaning back and swaying his chair back and forth. He did not know what was going on, everything he tried did not work and something that worried him most of all was that he could no longer drink Yuki's blood. Not just for the fact that she would always have Kiryu present inside her memories and that she regretted being there with him abandoning her human life... now, so far away from Kiryu, his blood was no longer wanted as before. He slowly closed his brown eyes. Each time he drank from Yuki, was that damn level D in the depths of her memories. He was always there, no matter what happened between him and his sister. He could swear that she would never cease to love that pathetic level D. He can still remember both, Yuki and Kiryu when the said hunter unexpectedly visited them at Kuran's Manor year ago, watching each other so deeply into the eyes. The Pureblood could take Yuki away from Kiryu, which he had already done but he could not force the girl to stop thinking about the hunter. Something else he had known through Yuki's blood was that she wanted to go home. She did not show it, but she considered Kaein Cross as her father and as his daughter she wanted to be by his side. Kaname was sure that Yuki loves him... but not like how he loves her. He thought having a blood bond with her, all would be resolved but in one way or another he could not complete it.

He wakes up in the middle of a nightmare.

It's neither traditional nor expected. Far from the typical form of horror. It's not a mangled, bloodied body, crawling on his ceiling, head twisting at an inhuman angle, a sharp, razor-teeth grin painting its ash white face; not an angered ghost, gripping his neck tightly in its icy hands so hard that a string of drool escapes out the side of its mouth.

He wakes up in the middle of a nightmare, and he has absolutely no idea what's going on.

A cry pierces through the blanket of darkness and he cringes, eyes so wide he can nearly see into the back of his head. He clenches at the sheets of the bed he's lying in, the satin bunching willingly under his force, clammy body drenched with sweat, dampening the silky black of his sleep pants. He feels the electricity buzzing through his brain.

The walls around him are familiar - as they should be. It is his room, after all. But even this knowledge does little to placate the panic that's building in the center of his chest, wrapping around his heart and contracting, forcing the muscle to beat faster and faster. He moves his foot, an action barely above a twitch and the already precariously placed blanket slips off, exposing the bare skin to the nipping air. He cries out again, shocked that the small movement causes his stomach to twist and knot, an incisive pinch starting in his abdomen and soon spreading like wildfire to his lungs and throat.

"What?" he chokes dazed.

He knows there's no one in the room except for him, and yet he can't fight the tingling paranoia that creeps slowly into his mind, tainting it with illusions of motion in the stillness and shifting sounds in the silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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