Chapter 3

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It wasn't long until Fear began to doubt himself. We stood at a forked intersection and Fear pondered over which way to go. I hugged the core memories. "You do remember the way, right?" Fear didn't answer, but had a scared expression on his face, which was hard to read since he always had a scared expression.

Suddenly, a loud thud sounded to the right. I grinned and pulled Fear along. There, a round pink elephant-like figure was stealing memory balls from the memory shelves. He wore a snazzy coat with a matching top hat with a flower on it. "Hey!" I called out excitedly. The figure jumped and ran away. I started to run after him, but once again was stopped by Fear.

"Wait! He could be dangerous! We should just let him run."

"He may know something that can help us!" I mentioned cheerfully. "Besides, you've already not succeeded in remembering the path." Fear fell silent while he followed me.

"Wait!" I called. The pink elephant stopped and turned around guilty. "I swear I didn't mean any harm."

I concentrated on the theif. "Bing-Bong?" I smiled. "Bing-Bong!" The pink elephant looked confused. "How do you know me?"

"Yeah, Joy." Fear's teeth chattered. "How do we know him?"

I ignored him. "You're Riley's imaginary friend! You and Riley used to have so many adventures on your magic red wagon-rocket! It was powered by song!" Bing-Bong's eyes widen and a smile spread across his face. "You remember me?!"

"Of course!" I laughed. "Who's your friend who likes to play?! Bing-Bong! Bing-Bong!"

"Wait! Are you Joy? Like THE Joy?!"

I tightened my hold around the core memories as I explained what happened. "Wow! We got to get you back to Headquarters!" Fear jolted up. "That's what I've been saying!"

"Quiet, Fear!" I waved him off. "Bing-Bong, what's the fastest way back?"

"Why, the Train of Thought, of course!"

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" I got so excited, I almost dropped the core memories. Bing-Bong handed me a bag to hold them, which was very helpful to have both arms.

"Lead the way, Bing-Bong!" I smiled. "Come on, Fear."

As we reached the port, Bing-Bong spotted a short-cut. "Come on, this way!"

Fear pulled my arm. "Joy, look! That sign specifically states that it's dangerous!" I waved him off. "You believe EVERYTHING is dangerous. It's fine! Think positive!"

"But Joy-"

"Enough, Fear! This is the fastest way to get back to Headquarters, and return Riley's memories and make her happy!"

Fear grew silent. A concern look fell upon his face.

I turned back to Bing-Bong. "Lead the way."

Fear reluctantly followed me and Bing-Bong.

Joy and Fear: An Unexpected ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now