Chapter 5

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Joy sighed and hugged her knees, the bag of core memories on her lap. "I've been so selfish, Fear. I'm sorry." Her voice began to crack, and she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. A small giggle escaped her lips. "I never thanked you."

"For what?" I asked, confused. She met my eyes. "For saving me. Twice, actually. Once, from the pipe breaking and two, from the Abstract Thought." I reluctantly smiled. "It was nothing." Her eyes widened. "Nothing?! Without me, Riley could never be happy again! The core memories would've been lost!" I held up my hands in surrender. "Ok, sorry."

A chilly breeze swept by, causing Joy to shiver. "Oh, it gets cold at night, doesn't it?" I didn't respond and gulped nervously. I gazed around the cargo cart and found a loose covering from one of the boxes. I tore it off and handed it to Joy. Her smile grew. "Thank you, Fear!" She cuddled herself in the blanket, and I sneezed. She looked down at the sheet and back at me and scooted closer to my side. "What are you doing?" I asked. She flipped the blanket to where it covered both of us. I tried to hide my blushing, for Joy's and my arm were pressed against each other. I gulped nervously again.

"Fear, I hope morning comes fast." Joy breathed out, and her body slowly leaned onto my torso.My arm slid across her back and rested on her forearm. Her head dropped onto my upper chest. Her eyes closed. For once, she appeared peaceful.

"We can always hope Riley wakes up early when morning does come." I mumbled just loud enough for Joy to hear. And she did. She immediately bolts up from the floor and fists her palm. "That's it!" she announced. I flinched automatically.

"That's what, Joy?" my teeth chattered.

"We'll wake Riley up!" she exclaimed, smiling at her plan. Bing-Bong clapped his hands together. "I think I can help with that! Come on, follow me!"

"Come on, Fear!" Joy grabbed my hand, forcing me to my feet and off the train. We followed Bing-Bong to Dream Productions.

I pulled on Joy's arm. "Wait, what's the plan exactly?" Joy grinned mischeiviously. "We are going to wake up Riley in her dreams!"


"By excitement!" Joy proclaimed. I cocked my head as we continued through the studios. "Joy, I don't think that's going to work." Joy jerked around. "Well, Fear, do you have any better idea?" I twiddled my thumbs and cleared my throat. "Well, we could...scare Riley awake."

"Fear, Riley hasn't been happy for a whole day. We are not going to scare her!" She adjusted the bag on her shoulder. "Besides, you are not in HQ, which means Riley can't be scared of anything." My shoulders slumped at the truth. Then, I remembered.

"Joy, is tonight Tuesday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's Sadness's night on Dream Patrol."

"Ok, and..."

"We can make Riley's dream sad! It'll make Sadness wake her up!"

Joy thought about it and pounded her fist on her palm again. "You've got a point, Fear. I'll give you that." She smiled at me. "Ok, let's give it a try."

Joy and Fear: An Unexpected ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now