Chapter 1- What Really Happened

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Chapter 1

What Really Happened - Kyla's Point of View

"Thank God it's Friday!" I literally screamed out loud after I hit the stop button of my alarm that has been ringing every five minutes now due to my constant snoozing, after 10 snoozes I decided it was time to start my day. Getting up from my bed I took a bath and got into some fresh clothes, I decided to go for a plain look so I just pick out a white tee and black skinny jeans pairing it with black converse. Turned on some music, applied some make up...

When my 23 year old brother, Keith, came banging on my door.
"Geez Kyla keep it down! Some people are trying to sleep you know!"
Guess he forgot school.
"Bro, it's Friday!"

I shouted out with glee. Clearly, I loved Fridays.

After a few seconds I heard him shuffling away from the door, saying "Oh--Shit!" repeatedly. Smiling triumphantly I murmured to myself "That's what I thought."

It took me five minutes to get everything I need, ready for school. I nearly tripped when my mother screamed
Checking one last time if everything was in order, I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. Kissing my mom and dad on the cheek I sat on the high chair placed right next to the counter and started with my sandwich. As soon as I was about to finish, my brother came down with his hair still dripping wet, he was always lazy like this, which always made me wonder how he even got in university.
As soon as my brother started munching on his sandwich, I ran upstairs to brush my teeth. When I went back down, my brother was still munching on his sandwich.
My mom suddenly spoke in alarmed tone
"Okay you two, you got 20minutes before school starts, now go! Chop, chop! "
My dad gave us an apologetic smile and said "Bye kids."
Keith and I replied together "Bye mom, bye dad!"
In reply my mom said "Don't talk to strangers!"
"Sure." Keith and I replied knowing that, that wasn't going to happen.
Typical, that's my mom Jane Limestone expect her to say things like that to 23 year old Keith and 19 year old Kyla. It just so happens that she thinks we're five sometimes, well most of the time. Of course who would forget the one who calms her down with all her over protectiveness, well who else my dad, Rick Limestone.
Keith and I started walking to school which would be taking around 10 minutes. A few minutes later, we arrived in front of California State University Sacramento or CSUS. Just as Keith spotted his friends, he waved "goodbye" to me and rushed to his friends leaving me alone, in the busy grounds of the university. Suddenly, someone tackled me with a bone crushing hug and I realized it was Jake one of my best friend who happened to be from Ireland. "Hello Kyla, looking as lovely as ever, what's up?" Well this is what I hate about him, giving out compliments that aren't even true. I was very insecure with my looks and although his compliment made me smile, it even made me more conscious of the way I looked. With his constant compliments I then made up a motto about it, "They say I'm pretty, I say I look like a ghost." But that didn't shut him up as well. Moving along, I just snorted but smiled at him anyway and replied "Oh nothing much Jakey, I'm just glad it's Friday that's all." Yes I call him Jakey, it gets him all embarrassed which is cute.
Jake McCarthy one of my best friend all the way from junior high to college, is a one of a kind Irish guy, he has green eyes that sparkles when his happy and brown hair that covers his eyes when he bows down unhappily, he has a pale complexion and a smile that could brighten up anyone's day. Just on cue my other two best friends came trotting toward us, they both cheered "Good morning!" to us, at exactly the same time. Kaitlin and Kaycee my two girl friends are identical twins, both have blonde hair and a evenly tanned complexion, the only thing that differs the both of them is their eyes, Kaitlin has round blue eyes while Kaycee has cat-like blue eyes.
I mockingly cheered "Fancy morning you twooo!"
"Hey! Don't tease us!" Kaitlin feigned hurt."
"I'm sorry to cut-out the mood but we're going to be late if we don't hurry to our classes right now!" Jake warned us, saying our goodbyes we separated going to our respective classrooms.
The day went awfully slow, after a few more lectures we were finally dismissed and that's where my mind flashes back to, TGIF!

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