Chapter 4 - Red

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Chapter 4


My brother's hand was on my waist as we walked into Morton's. After mentioning "Parker" to the man who must be in charged of the reservations. He led us to Jay's table.

Jay stood up when he caught sight of us, but part of me thinks that he was angry or jealous about something, by the glint of his eyes. Who am I kidding? How could he be jealous? He's got everything.

When we were at the table he then said, "Hello, I'm Jay Parker." While extending his arm to me. I simply shook it and we let go. "And you must be?" Referring to my brother. "I'm Patrick." I literally choked while I looked at my brother as he continued saying "I'm her boyfriend." Yup, my brother's gone psycho. "Please do sit down." Jay then said.

I gave my brother a stare that screamed "WHAT THE GUMMY BEARS TAKE IT BACK!" Unfortunately, he didn't get the message and carried on with his 'I'm her boyfriend lunacy'. Which pretty much started with calling me "Love". Eew it sounds so disgusting when he says it to his baby sister and I have no idea why I'm playing along?Seriously? Why am I playing along?

Jay then spoke, breaking the tension that was building around the table. "So, Kyla do you want to know who I am?"

"Umm...yes please." I replied.

"Well if you really want to know me, let's play a game I'd like to call "Solidarity Wars."

Somehow my brother's hand held my hand too tight. Though I felt like the whole idea was absurd.

He asked "We're in. What's the catch?" Great.

"If you can't figure out who I am by the end of the year, I'm going to have to spread your secret." He looked at my brother with challenging eyes.

"You don't know me." My brother replied angrily.

"I have my ways." Jay replied and looked at my way and smiled.

Hunger caught me in the middle of their firing up conversation. "Ummm..aren't we going to eat?" I asked not minding the heated conversation between the two men.

My brother glared at me while Jay simply smiled and nodded at me. He then called the waiter in charge of us to bring out the food. Finally.

The food was amazing. I ate like a pig for crying out loud! Every bite of the delicious steak was savoring to my mouth. I just couldn't get enough of it. It was awkwardly silent as we were eating but I'm not complaining I was having the best meal of my life!


After we finished eating, Jay thanked my brother and I for coming, and with that we left. Thinking this meeting was supposed to make me less curious it turned out to be the opposite. I can't help but wonder, who is Jay Parker?


How will Keith and I find the true identity of this mysterious man? Feeling a bit desperate I decided to call up the twins, simply because they know about anyone who's anyone.


"What do you mean Jay Ethan Parker? Of course we know him, who doesn't?"

"Ummm me?"

"You two used to hang out when you were kids." Kaitlin emphasized, I could sense that she probably rolled her eyes.

"Sorry but it really doesn't ring a bell."

"Why do you want to know who he is Kyla?" Kaycee now ask.

"No reason." Quietly hoping they wouldn't ask more questions about the matter.

"Well okay we got to go now, mom's calling us." Kaycee replied. "Bye!" With that she hung up.

Lying back on my bed, I decided to sleep knowing I would never know who Jay is by only one night.


"Kylaaa! Kylaaaa!"

Suddenly I was awake and sitting up on my bed breathing terribly deep. But the voice still continued to call me

"KYLAAA! Kylaaa!"

Looking around, no one was around everything seemed perfectly in place but the voice kept calling and it was getting weaker and weaker.

"Kylaaa! Kyla! Open your window!"

Wait what? My window.

Running towards my window that was facing the street I pushed it open and there was a guy who I cannot recognize due to minimal lighting of the streetlight.

Looking at the wall clock in my room I realized I didn't turn on the lights so I asked

"Hey! What time is it?"

"3am." He replied shortly.

"Umm who are you?"

"Thomas." He replied.

Thomas? That's the school's bad boy. My face now scrunch up with disgust.

Now my life's turning into a cliché love story. Wait. Who says I'm going to end up with the bad boy?

"Hey. You there?" Thomas yelled, breaking into my thoughts.

"Yup. What do you want?"

"Want to be my date for University Night Out?" Arrogance and pride dripping down every word he said.

"Let me think about it. NO."

"What if I tell you I could help you with the game you play with Jay Parker?"

Gummy bears. How did he know?

"How would you do that?"

"I have my ways. So, will you go with me?" I could almost see him smirk right at me.

Having no choice and desperation in hand I gave in and said "Fine."

Just as I was about to close my window...

"Wait! You also have to come with me now, I want to show you something."

"Ok wait a sec I'm just going to change."

I guess you'd be wondering why I'm fine with going out with Thomas at 3am well it's because he's been a friend at times I needed help with some stuff.

Wearing a white long sleeves shirt, black skinny jeans and black converse I went down quietly and managed to come out of the house without a squeak.

I saw Thomas leaning on his motorcycle and he looked up and smiled. Throwing me a helmet and the sitting down on his motor, he asked. "Ready?" I nodded nonchalantly and sat behind him, putting my arms around his waist or I guess his stomach I wasn't sure but he wasn't complaining.

The cool air brushed into my face and hair making me feel serene. The city lights were a few and the road was still quite dark. We passed CSUS and suddenly the motor came into a halt. We were at a place that overlooks the city.

Thomas, went down and offered me his hand which I took and thanked for. Walking towards the fence maintaining a distance of an inch he then told me,

"Jay Parker used to be my best friend." Thomas voice was cold and angry.


"He killed my girlfriend three years ago."

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