High School Vampire (BoyXBoy)

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High school vampire...


 I have decided that I am going to edit this a  bit because I feel it is really childish and the story doesn't flow quite right so before I continue I am going to edit it really quickly~ It won't change much just organize the story a bit more~ ^



Yanagi's Point of Viiew

        I woke up rubbing my eyes tiredly as I stared blankly at the alarm clock, ignoring the annoyance as I slid from the warmth of my bed. God why does the day always start like this? Sighing heavily I pushed the repetitive thoughts from my head, glancing at my tired, warn self  in the mirror. Same hideous school uniform, same obnoxious almost white hair, same annoying crooked smile...same boring gray eyes...everything...was boring. I silently cursed life as I gathered my bag and began my trek towards the train.

"Yanagi~! What are you doing are you trying to make us late!" an annoying voice came from ahead.  "Leave me alone Kamiya! Not everyone gets up at five to straighten their hair..." I protested to the overly peppy brunette waiting for me. "Oh come on Yanagi don't be such a prick in the morning." She frowned, her small face twisting in distaste. "Thanks for the compliment." I spat back shrugging my bag over my other shoulder.

            "So why were you so late?" She offered after a few moments of silent walking. One thing I had learned over time of being friends with Kamiya was that she hated silence. She actually seemed to love the sound of her own voice, using every excuse she could find to open her mouth and spew out words even if they didn’t make sense.

            "Does it really matter why I was late; We will still go to the exact same place the dreaded building that most call a school; learn the exact same thing, spend time with the exact same people Who we don’t really like in the first place, talk about the same stuff that yet again nobody cares about, go home do the usual homework and sleep like we always do. Our routine never really changes, life itself is boring...so why do we need an education if life only continues to repeat itself." I whispered more to myself than to Kamiya. It was painful to hear about the life I had lived. The future wasn’t interesting either, we would be stuck in a dead end job we hated but required because we were aging and had families back home to take care of.

            “You are really negative I hope you know that. . .” She frowned knitting her perfectly manicured brows together. "Life is wonderful, you should be happy you are here. You get to spend time with people who love you, you learn new things every single day. You get to see new opportunities open in front of you, ones you wouldn’t have ever dreamed would come your way. You just see the world wrong..." she explained a distant smile appearing on soft lips.

            "Whatever...can we just go to school so we can get this done with." I grumbled pushing past her. “Jesus Yanagi I just said something so poetic and beautiful and you just brushed me aside and ignored every word. You are really frustrating sometimes, always dragging people’s attitude down with your nonstop negativity.” She hollered her voice cracking with the strain of her words.

            “Kamiya believe what you want I don’t ask you to hang around me, you voulentarily come to me every day. You could drop me and stay with your other friends, I am not keeping you here.” I frowned slightly hurt by her words becoming bitter inside. It wasn’t like I meant to drag people down, everyone saw the world differently; I just happened to see it the horrible way it actually was. I saw the brutal moments like the rapists and the murders. I saw the stressed, graying adults who worked long hours. I didn’t see the happy moments like the family eating lunch in the park, the mother and father deeply in love, the children spoiled to all ends. I wasn’t treated like that, my mom and dad loved me sure but I didn’t want their attention, I wanted to be alone.

“Yanagi this is why you don’t have friends. . .” She whispered as if she felt bad for me. “Don’t pity me Kamiya, if I wanted friends I would reach out for them, I don’t I like being by myself. Why should I deal with ther people’s problems? I honestly don’t care that they didn’t get asked to prom or that their boyfriend dumped them.” I concluded with a carefree air.

"Stubborn prick."

            We had this argument every day, it was fast old. . . I had to listen to it everyday when I didn’t even want to hear it the first time. I absolutely hated hearing problems, I had enough of my own.

"Yo? You listening?"

"Huh..sorry I just got distracted."

            "You're really weird today." She replied laughing lightly to herself before scanning her train pass and sliding into the train. Kamiya was always kind to me, her long hair flowing down to her waist, her kind brown eyes accepting me whole heartedly despite my flaws and negativity. I was grateful for her despite  what I always say. "So are you excited for class today?"

"Of course not..." I replied pushing past people, finding the train to be heavily packed. She asked the same thing everyday...what does she expect me to enjoy...class was never really exciting...nothing was to me...I just wanted to get out of high school and hopefully find a job that wasn't absolutely repulsive. "Come on since you got your beauty sleep we are almost late!" She screamed grabbing my wrist and pulling me along like a rag doll. "Kamiya slow down! We will make it I promise you!"

            "Obviously! But I wanted to see how Aoi's new dog is!" She explained as we entered the classroom. Most of the students weren't even there yet. I slowly slid past her and slid into my seat by the window. I sighed happily as a soft breeze flowed in. The Sakura trees were in full bloom, pink petals being scattered about, spreading their sweet fragrance about. 

            I don't mind nature...I actually enjoy it...i'm not saying life has no value...I'm just saying it's repetitive...nature is itself...no tree blooms the exact same, every snowflake has its own pattern...you can't predict weather...it's beautiful...so simple...so pleasant... It is its own thing, its fragile. . . the sakuras bloom for only one week before dying. . . but they continue to bloom every year just to make everyone happy. I somewhat envied the trees being so beautiful and loved by all. . . maybe that is why they bloomed every year. . . for that one week of affection. Even after they died, paper was tied to their leaves holding people’s wishes and hopes. . . ha as if a tree would bring you that.

"KIYOTAKA YANAGI! PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR TEACHER!" Horie-sensei screamed, slamming a ruler down on her desk. "I'm sorry..." I replied less than half-heartedly as I noticed the tall figure standing beside her. "Class this is Shizue Ren. He will be joining us for the rest of the year, please treat him kindly."

            "Hello...my name Is Shizue Ren...I hope to get along with everyone...please treat me kindly." He repeated bowing slightly, scanning the room with his beautiful eyes. I felt my breath hitch as I stared at this beautiful creature.

            His hair was a startling onyx, that pooled in inky black locks by the nape of his neck. He was tall way taller than myself standing around 6'5"...he was pale...deathly so...but what was most startling about him...was his eyes...they burned a truly terrifying crimson. They cause excitement to pool within myself which was weird...because I don't remember ever being excited by someone... He was truly beautiful...but...why am I finding another male beautiful? What was going on with this picture...his voice as well...was deep...and very seductive... He took his seat towards the front of the classroom, girls swooning over him. I sighed in annoyance...why does he bother me so much?

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