Chapter 14

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                I am feeling this story so this chapter will be a bit shorter but I decided to update again ^^ Don’t forget to vote and comment~ All rights are copyrighted so please don’t  steal my story.


Yanagi’s Point of View

“I’m sorry.”
                I clutched him more tightly suddenly feeling guilty. I had caused him so much pain while I smiled and laughed with my friends unknowingly killing him on the inside. It hurt me to hurt him and I don’t know why but I do like him despite his bluntness and delusional mind. “Why are you sorry?” Ren asks suddenly pulling away from him. “I’m sorry I hurt you. . . and though I know I am going to be confused. . . I’ll date you.” I said quietly. I nearly smacked myself. That couldn’t have come out better dammit. “You will what?” Ren asks with wide red eyes. “I will date you dammit don’t make me say it again!” I shouted from embarrassment, my cheeks turning a brilliant shade of red.

                I was enveloped once more but the arms were much stronger and I felt myself being lifted off the ground. “You have no idea how happy this makes me. But. .. I don’t want to force you to date me. If you don’t like me like this please don’t lead me on. . . I love you so much it hurts Yanagi. It hurts when I’m not with you, to see that I made you frown, to watch you laugh with others. If you don’t like me please don’t date me out of guilt.” He whispered. This comment made me think a bit. . . this boy. . . this vampire boy. . . has such strong feelings for me. It scares me how he can love me so much despite just meeting me but I can’t deny that I do like him. I like his company he makes me feel happy and makes things I thought as boring interesting again. “It isn’t out of guilt.” I mumbled quietly. He smiled widely his shiny white fangs poking out a bit as his eyes glowed a beautiful crimson.

                “You have no idea how happy this makes me.” He repeated tightening his hold. “Ren I can’t breathe!” I shouted back. He gasped as if in sudden realization and lessened his hold on me, allowing me to stand on my own. “You called me Ren.” He noted. I flushed once more. . . dammit this idiot. “Please don’t embarrass me. . .” I mumbled, looking away from him. “I know that. . . I just admitted to you and stuff. . . but can we take this slow?” I asked hopefully. He smirked and nodded, hugging me once more. I hugged him back lightly, resting my head on his broad chest. He smelled so wonderful, I never realized how good he smelled before. Suddenly realize how awkward this position was I coughed awkwardly, pushing him a bit. “I know I agreed and stuff but. . . I think you should go home now, be careful and don’t get sick.” I mumbled. He laughed a bit, the sound resonating off my walls. Nodding, he cupped my face once before stepping back and allowing me to step away from him. I opened my door and shivered from the cold. “Don’t get sick.” I mumbled. He smirked, waving a bit and stepping out of the door.

                I closed the door, slowly sliding down it. I couldn’t help but smile and I felt really stupid but it wouldn’t go away. I don’t remember smiling like this. It has been a while since I smiled like an idiot and I can say I missed it a bit. Pulling my phone from my pocket I quickly texted Kamiya.

To- Kamiya

Subject – N/A

                I have no idea what just happened. . .

                                Message sent.

From – Kamiya

Subject – O.O

                What happened?


To – Kamiya

Subject – T^T

                I don’t know. . . I’m going to bed I’ll talk to you tomorrow at school.

                                Message sent.

From – Kamiya

Subject – I hate when you do this.

                You better. >…<’’

                I laughed locking my phone and picking myself up off the floor. I dressed for bed and found myself nestled into the comfy sheets moments later. I am a hopeless fool. . . just a few weeks ago I was cursing life and now I’m going out with a boy. . . A vampire. . .If I would have told myself this just a mere week ago, I would have laughed in your face telling you to keep dreaming. . . but now I am a believer seeing I’m in a relationship with one.

                I paused at the word relationship. . . How would my mother react to this. . . she has been pushing me to get into a relationship. . . but how would she react if I told her I was in a relationship with a boy. . . would she be angry? Homophobic? I’ve never talked to her about this topic before and I’m glad I already have an apartment but they pay the bills. . . would they take away my inheritance and maybe even cut me from earning the company? I sighed all of the hardships I haven’t thought of surfacing. I should have thought about these before I just threw myself into this relationship but I wasn’t thinking. . . and I was so wrapped up in my emotions and happy that I was feeling them after being numb for so long that I just threw all the thoughts to the side. With a sigh I turned on my side and fell asleep. I’ll worry about all of these things tomorrow. . . . .


Okay guys if I have time I’ll upload again I hope you enjoyed this short little chapter less than 1000 words. . . haha.
Kamsahamnida, Don’t forget to vote and comment,


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