Chapter 16

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                I am actually really depressed right now, if you watched Inu X Boku ss don’t read the manga it is really sad, hopefully it will get better and if it does I will give you all a heads up so you can read it but now it is ripping my insides out. . . haha

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Yanagi’s Point of View


                After flushing through half the class the last bell of the day rung and I was more than relieved. Stretching casually, I let out a soft groan prodding a sleeping Kamiya awake. She grumbled rolling her head a bit before sitting up. “Good morning.” I chirped. She frowned, narrowing her eyes at me before breaking her glare to yawn.

            “What a tiring class.” Ren interrupted peering down at me. I nodded in agreement, slinging my bag over my shoulder. “Where are you off to now?” He inquired curiously. I smirked contemplating telling him an insane story about murdering my parents but I thought against it just explaining how I had to go to work. He looked slightly saddened by this and I felt guilty. “Why do you work? Isn’t it not allowed by the school?” he frowned paging through our student manual. “it isn’t allowed but I have to pay my bills.” I frowned thinking about what would happen if I asked my parents for money, my mother would worry and my father would go broke trying to make me happy. . . I wasn’t going to let that happen so working a job seemed like the best option.  “You shouldn’t have to work, where are your parents don’t you want to live with them?” He frowned, following closely behind me as I walked towards the entrance. “No, I love my parents don’t get me wrong, but I hate being smothered and that is exactly what they do. . . smother.”

            He looked at me for a few moments, his brow creasing in thought. I lightly pushed him teasingly hoping to distract him. “I don’t mind working.” I added quickly, smiling up at him. He pouted towards me, causing me to smile more. A flash brought me from my thoughts, spinning abruptly to see Kamiya snapping pictures. “Yah don’t be an idiot!” I frowned trying to steal her cell phone. “haha I know you’ll pout about the lighting and crap but you can go all photographer later!” she smirked. I frowned once more, worrying now about how bad the lighting might actually be. “Why would you take a picture with such sucky lighting you’re an idiot!” I growled. She only smiled finally stopping and allowing me to see the picture. I flushed bright red at the sight of our picture. I was all smiles and he was pouting as if I had been teasing him which I had been. It looked like we had known each other for years, how comfortable we appeared. . . . how relaxed we looked in front of others. I flushed a bit more realizing this was how he made me feel. . . he made me feel comfortable. . . I just trusted him with everything, I didn’t doubt one thing he did and that scared me. I had always been wary of people my own parents included, and to let someone I just met inside of my wall I had built over the years scared me.

            He must have noticed my hesitation when looking at the picture and lightly tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up at Kamiya who held the same worried expression. Glancing back at the picture I realized what comfort it brought me. . . to know that I could trust someone so easy and selflessly. “I want a copy of this.” I mumbled the light blush staining my cheeks and rising to my ears. “Sure thing.” Kamiya replied beginning to text me the picture. “I have to go or I am going to be late to work.” I yelped quickly running towards the entrance of the school. “Yah where do you work!~” Ren yelled after me. I waved him off telling him to get the address and stuff from Kamiya. Aish I am not going to have time to change my uniform. . .

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