1. On an adventure.

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Jakai's POV......
Lyns, tickets now" I groaned, heaving my bulging suitcase down the stairs while trying not to fall. I was not a light traveler, even if we were only going for a week.
" Here Hun, got them all ready " My roommate and best friend Lynsey said, her South African twang twisting her words with an accent I had always adored.
I liked living in Ireland and there was no doubt it was my home, but I dreamed of visiting new places, which was exactly what I was doing today.
Ireland was very quiet, everyone kept to themselves where I lived and nothing ever happened, which for a young lady isn't such a good thing.... Thank god for YouTube and travel mags.
I took my tickets and dragged my suitcase out to the car. I hadn't been outside of Ireland since we moved here 19 years ago. I had moved out of my parents house when I turned 19 but apart from that I had lived in the same place my whole life.
But today in about 6 hours me and Lynsey were going to stay at Lynsey's cousins house in London, England. He had a free room for us..... England, A country I had never been to before, but had heard all about from my friend Courtney, she had a successful YouTube channel just like I did.
My YouTube channel was a vlog/challenge/tag channel and hers was a travel channel. She lived in England but traveled all around the world, videoing all of her experiences.
YouTube was kind of a big deal to me, I spent my life on it, watching weird challenges and laughing at stupid comments.... T'was a good life.
I stuffed my suitcase in my tiny Honda Civic, alongside Lynsey's suitcase and closed the boot. I got out my camera and turned it on, pointing it at my face.
" Hey guys, today is a very special day because........ We're going to England!!!!" I said throwing my free hand behind me.
" London specifically" Lynsey piped up from behind me.
" This is it" I sighed, turning around to smile at her.
" Yep, today we face the world, today we brave the skies blah blah blah yada yada" She said dramatically flipping her hair.
" You probably didn't get that but guys, I'm terrified of flying, and this isn't even a proper plane, it's a small plane, so I'm pooping myself right now, I really am terrified of planes, the physics don't add up. I mean I've had them explained enough but it doesn't make sense. A solid metal object shouldn't fly when not even my apple peel can! "
" ok enough nonsense Bab, let's get this show on the road" Lynsey said clapping her hands together and I shut off my camera and got in the drivers side.
It was a long drive to the airport, full of inappropriate noises and near misses.... I wasn't the worlds best driver by a long shot.
When we arrived I had a weird feeling in my stomach, I guess I was very nervous that we'd be flying in a few hours. I hadn't flown since before I could figure out how terrifying it was.
" Hey are you 100% sure we got everything?" I asked for the millionth time, Lynsey sighed dramatically. She had traveled all around the world with her parents as a child so she had this whole travel thing sorted.
" Yes Jakai for the last time, I'm positive" She said tiredly.
" Ok sorry, I'm just a bit nervous about this whole thing"
" and excited too right?"
" Of course I am" I replied smiling.
I grabbed my camera from my side and switched it on. Just as Lynsey got up and mouthed " food " at me.
" we're at the airport! and Lyns just went off to get us some food, don't know if they do anything good around here, anyway we are getting on a flight soon to go and stay with Lynsey's cousin in London.I'm so excited, and nervous at the same time.... I don't even know these people and I'm going to stay in their house for a week. But it's somewhere new so I'm all for it!!! This week is going to be so fun and it hasn't even started yet" I said chattily... I was rambling and I knew it but who cares, I was actually going on a plane and I was going to see England.

I had promised Courtney that I would visit as she also lived in London.
Just then Lynsey returned with two wraps from somewhere.... They actually didn't look too bad considering it was airport food.
" All passengers traveling on flight SC600, please head to gate 3 for check in" came the announcement over loud speaker.
" Heh just in time Lyns" I grinned, then I waved goodbye to the camera. " see you guys in England " I grinned happily.
Then I took a deep breath now for the flight.

After a horrible wait for our call, we finally boarded. We found our seats on the plane and sat down in the less then comfortable seats, a few minutes later the plane engines started and we began speeding down the runway and then without warning we lurched into the air and left the ground behind.

" Lyns " I whispered through clenched teeth.
" What?" She asked looking up from her reading.
" We're flying" I said, I think I must have looked fairly stupid because she just laughed at me.
The rest of the flight was actually not too bad, as long as I stopped myself from looking out the window. When we touched down at Heathrow airport in London I couldn't have been more happy. I pretty much jumped off the plane and ran down the gangway and into the late evening sunset .
It was a strange feeling that suddenly came over me, at the sight of the colored sky and green grass, that taste of the air and the sounds of the city. I suddenly felt weak at the knees. The sun reflected off the glistening runway casting strange patterns on the sides of the buildings.
" You ok?" Lynsey asked quietly. I was getting some stares from other passengers.
" Lynsey, " I said using her full name. " we are moving to London next week and I don't care what you say"

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