3. Joe Sugg everybody!

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Caspar ignored me for the next three days. He came and went between his house and Joe's but always ignoring me.

On the fourth Caspar invited Joes sister Zoe..... I mean the one and only Zoella!!! to come with us to go boating on the Thames. I was so excited, living in the middle of Ireland where no rivers ran we never really saw rivers or the sea. Apparently we would be taking little paddle boats up the river Thames. It sounded like such a fun thing to do and I was very very very excited to meet Zoe. She was like the big sister I never had.

Caspar decided to wear a pair of thick skinny jeans to keep off the cold, a jumper and over that a hoodie.

Joe opted for a shirt, skinny jeans and a leather jacket keeping off the cold without looking like he made an effort.

Zoe arrived at about two in the afternoon, she had driven all the way from Brighton with her boyfriend Alfie, they was staying for five days with Joe so they would be here the whole time I was.
She arrived in a little mini and parked on the road beside the flat. Moments later she appeared in the doorway, dragging a small suitcase behind her, it was about a third of the size of mine and she was staying almost as long. I laughed to myself quietly.
" Hello all, I need to be introduced" She smiled.
" This is my sister Zoe everyone, Zoe this is Lynsey" Joe gestured to Lynsey, " and Jakai"
" Hi guys, man that drive does my head in" Zoe laughed, faking wiping sweat off her forehead.
Zoe put her suitcase away and changed into boating clothes, then we set off for the river Thames.
When we got there I have to say I was a little disappointed, it was filthy.... Next level filthy. It looked like brown sludge..... But still at least we weren't swimming in it.
" Ok we need to partner up... We'll have Me and Lynsey, Joe  and Jakai and Caspar and Zoe " Alfie said waving his hands to direct us into groups. At least I
didn't have to go with Caspar, who had been ignoring me all the ride here. It was annoying. I understood that he hadn't meant and had regretted it. But it wasn't a big deal. At least not for him, for me yes...it's not everyday your idol calls you cute. But he didn't have to be immature about it. He just needed to get over it.

I was beginning to realize I didn't know Caspar like I thought i did.

I hopped in a small blue paddle boat, trying not to capsize it as I did so, Joe put his foot on the side to balance it and then hopped in after me with the skill of practice.
" I think we're going to be very good at this.... And beat the others" he said smiling cheekily. He swiped his hand through his hair and scrunched his face up.
" You ok?" I asked questioningly
" Yeah, great" He grinned. " So you sit that side and I'll sit this side"
I shuffled over carefully into my side of the boat and put my feet on the peddles. I gulped.
" Are you ok?" Joe  said chuckling.
" Yeah I'm fine, just never been on water before"
" What?!, your kidding"
" Nope, I lived in the middle of Ireland" I said popping the P.
" This is going to be so much fun" He grinned.
" Oww she's got mah leg" Caspar yelled as I looked over to see Zoe holding his leg above her head. Caspar was just about keeping his balance. Moments later Zoe gave him a little push, he yelled before toppling backward and she caught him just before he landed in the water.
He glared at her before hopping into the boat they were using, a small red boat like ours.
Just then Joe pushed off the concrete bank and into the middle of the river.
" Now start paddling " He grinned beginning to paddle the boat by cycling his legs.
" So how far up are we going?" I asked.
" 'bout half a mile I think" He said.
I started paddling faster, the buildings sailed by, picturesque with their peeling paint and old brick walls.
Caspar and Zoe were keeping almost level to us as we rowed but Alfie and Lynsey were lagging behind.
" You guys gonna make an effort or nah?" I half yelled.
A girl standing on one of bridges waved at me and Joe  as we rowed underneath. I waved back, she scrambled hastily to the opposite side to watch us paddle up the river.
" We are !" Alfie called back. The little girl was laughing when I turned my head to look behind.
" Stop paddling so fucking fast Joe  " I complained.
" Haha your accent is so funny" He laughed.
" Nu, shut up... It's totally serious!"
He chuckled. It was lighter then Caspar's, happier. I decided I liked it.
" You like the scenery?" He pointed at the building on both sides.
" yeah, so you going to be my guide or what?" I grinned.
" I don't even know where we are, so maybe not"
" You live here though!"
" Doesn't mean I obsessively study every single area and building."
" Touché , you're a shit tour guide then"
" I never said I was your tour guide"
I have this thing where I don't like being wrong, so i just ignored the fact that he was right. " I'll give myself a tour then." I said pretending to be haughty, he shook is head at my efforts to seem tough, which obviously hadn't worked.

" You're strange... Good luck" He chuckled again.

I decided to take it as a compliment, I mean coming from Joe Sugg , he could have said I looked like a dragon with rabies and I could have taken it well.... well maybe that's an over exaggeration.

About half an hour later my legs were aching and the scenery was starting to lose its glamour.

" Hey Alf, wanna see something cool? Joe asked turning around in our boat and relaxing his feet. Our boat slowed slightly but I kept paddling. I shook my head slowly disproving of Joe  showing off. He stood up shakily and crawled over to the back of our boat. Then he turned around and actually dipped his feet into the disgusting water of the Thames.

" Is he always this gross? " I asked Zoe next to us.

" Oh, this isn't gross" She said grinning. She seemed to be enjoying Joe's show as much as I was disturbed by it.

" He is literally playing in shit"

Suddenly, as if in slow motion, Joe began to slide down the boat.I heard a sort of screeching sound. First his bum lost grip and began to slide down the slopped rear of the boat. Then his legs slipped under.

Alfie yelled out: " Joe look out!"

But He slipped under the water. I watched before my mind registered that he was wearing denim jeans and a leather jacket .... Heavy clothes. They would make him sink, there were very few people who would be able to float with three layers on plus denim jeans. What a fucking genius, why would you go boating in jeans. I mentally slapped him.

Why wasn't anyone doing anything.

Oh no.

And I saw it.
Clear blue water, birds chirping and a finger tapping the ground.
I wanted to scream.

My training kicked in and I stood up, I managed not to shake the boat. I could see where Joe fell under and his arms were still flailing above the water. It took only a second to figure out how to do it. but in that time he disappeared under the rippling water.

Then I pushed power into my legs and jumped off the boat. I hit the freezing water, it was like jumping into a lake, full of ice, and trash and human waste, compared to the public pool I was used to ( heated I'd like to add). But I didn't even want to think about the stuff that ended up in here.

I slipped under the water streamlining my body to break through the water smoothly with a skill of practice. I saw Joe's figure up ahead.

His body was writhing around in the water, his eyes screaming.

It was with a sickening feeling that I realized .....I had no time.

Here today, gone tomorrow ( a Casper Lee and Joe Sugg  fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now