2. Shaky shaky.

5 0 0

" But-" She stammered, putting her hand on my shoulder.
" No buts, we're doing it" I said firmly.

" babe we can't just up and go!"

"Yes we can!"

" Ok then, I have enough savings to get us over here and pay for our flat for a few months, I'm sure my cousin will let us stay until we get a place" She grinned. I smiled too.... I think I just fell in love with England.

But soon I spotted something that quickly distracted me.
I swear my heart stopped..... I grabbed Lynsey's arm in an iron grip.
" Lyns, look over there.... That's Caspar Lee" I whispered urgently. He was standing right there in the entrance to the terminal, talking on his phone.
She laughed " I knew you'd be surprised"
" Wait you knew he would be here?" I asked astounded.
" He is my cousin so yes I di-" She started.
" He's your WHAT??!! " I squealed a bit too loudly. I was trying way too hard not to fan girl over him right now.

But on second thought if I was going to live with him maybe it was better that I didn't.

" Hehe, he's my cousin dummy " She grinned widely.
" Please don't tell him I'm a fan" I pleaded, it would make staying with him so awkward.
" Ok, but you know he might find out anyway if you keep pulling that face"
" sorry " I said unscruching my face and letting go of her arm.
" Casp!" She yelled running over to him, he scooped her up and gave her a tight hug. He was even taller in person. I walked up behind them slowly.
" Who's this Lyns?" Caspar asked politely nodding in my direction.
" This is Jakai, she's my bestfriend slash roommate " Lynsey gushed.
" Ok well It's great to meet you" He smiled, and reached out a hand to shake. I shook his with my probably shaky and sweaty hand.... Could I have made it more awkward? I just shook Caspar Lee's hand!
" Well I thought we could just go back to the house, you must be quiet tired" He said smiling. House.... as in we were staying in Caspar Lee's house????!!
" Yes please, I could sleep for a thousand years" Lynsey sighed.
" I need to poo-chill after that flight" I said quickly correcting myself....CRINGE. I was still a bit shaky, but honestly I just wanted to sleep.
" What's this?" Caspar asked curiously. I hit myself mentally.... nice one Jakai for mentioning that.
" Um, I'm scared of planes and I really do need to poo" I explained.
" Your accent is amazing," Caspar said suddenly then continued, " Planes aren't scary, they're just big metal birds"
" Yeah, big metal birds that shouldn't be able to fly" I said defiantly.
" Yeah I get that.... But they do, because logic" He grinned at me.
" Your logic is twisted" I replied.
" Stop your fightin you two.... I'm too tired for that shit " Lynsey whisper yelled at us.

We arrived back at the house at about nine at night. I may or may not have fallen asleep on Lynsey's shoulder in the back of Caspar's car. I felt embarrassed when I woke up, surely he had seen me and I wasn't the most graceful sleeper, oh well guess meeting your idols wasn't like it was in the fanfics... I was the most ungraceful person ever to walk the earth. I stumbled out of the car and went to grab my suitcase.
" Let me" Caspar offered, popping the boot and reaching in to get my suitcase.
" Thanks" I said slowly, too tired to think of a proper thank you. I walked into the flat and Lynsey walked in behind me, Casparwas still out at the car getting the baggage.
" 'ello, y'alright?" Came a voice I had heard enough times on video to know anywhere.... Joe Sugg.
" Hey, Joe, how are you? Caspar's told me all about you" Lynsey smiled. How come she was always to smooth around them, even though she was a fan herself.
" Yes Lynsey right, and.....?" He trailed off.
" Jakai " I reached out my hand, he shook it firmly..... Joe Sugg. I had a mini freak out when he turned away.
" Well it's great to finally meet you" He smiled lightly.
I had just met two of my biggest idols in the same day.... I think I might just go to bed and cry from all the fan girl I've been keeping inside me.

Joe decided to stay the night so he took the spare room which wasn't as nice and Lynsey and I took Caspar's room, leaving him on the couch. I uploaded today's vlog and got into bed with a feeling of intense satisfaction.

The next day I woke up at seven in the morning, it was autumn so the sun was just risen above the skyline, casting faint colors across the sky. My first Engliah morning.I stumbled upstairs in my pajama shorts and printed panda top. I was so hungry it was insane I could have eaten an elephant. I usually woke up pretty late... Less time for remembering, but I had decided a week ago to start waking up earlier, and if we were going to move to England maybe it was the perfect time. The kitchen was quiet, peaceful, the sky outside was still a faint blue streaked with gold. I sighed and brewed myself a cup of tea. I decided on peach and red berry tea that I found in the cupboard and then I sat out at the table to drink it. It was so relaxing to just have a nice cup of tea in the morning and watch the sun come up, I could get used to this.
Just then Caspar appeared up the stairway in a pair of grey boxers.
Oh no.
I think my ovaries just exploded.
" Oh, Jakai, I didn't expect you to wake up for hours" He said, turning slightly red.
" I can...I mean I'm not...I..um I'm an early riser, sorry" I smiled, sipping my tea. Could the damn guy get any hotter.
" Yeah but you know jet lag..." He trailed off.
"It was only a one hour flight Caspar" I chuckled.
" Haha I guess, did you make some tea for me too?"
" I ain't no slave, " I said snapping my fingers then added, "there's hot water in the kettle"
He chuckled softly, God his laugh was sexy.
He poured himself a mug and sat down beside me at the table.

He was literally walking around....Caspar Lee was walking around me in his underwear.

"Cute mug" I commented. It was a squirrel grabbing its nuts...literally.

"Like you" He said quietly. Then he blushed furiously.

"I'm just....I-I'll be right back" He stammered...Then he dashed downstairs,leaving his tea.

So that happened.

Here today, gone tomorrow ( a Casper Lee and Joe Sugg  fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now