Look at Me, Baby

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I could feel his eyes on me. I tried to concentrate on what I was reading, I really did, but it was nearly impossible. His stare pierced through me, making me squirm in my seat. I quickly glanced up, meeting his gray eyes. Neither of us broke eye contact for a second. Then my nerves got the better of me. Feeling my cheeks heat up, I turned to look back to my book, but not before I caught a sly smirk grace his handsome face.

You're probably wondering, 'Who is he?'

Alex Richardson.

One of the many rebels at this school. But he was different, in a way. He always seemed a bit more, laid back, you could say. He wasn't a fool like the other people he was usually categorized with.

He'd been doing this staring bit the whole week. And not just in this class. In the other class I had with him, too. And lunch. It was kinda starting to scare me. He stared at me like I was a piece of meat. Like something he wanted to... ravish.

I was snapped out of my reverie as the final bell rang. I took my time gathering up my things, knowing that the only thing waiting for me in that hallway was a sea full of other teenagers pushing and shoving to get out of this place. When the halls looked cleared, I left the classroom, making my way to my locker.

I made it there quickly. I opened it, taking out some things I would need for homework and studying. When I had everything I needed, I closed my locker and locked it back up before continuing to walk down the halls towards the exit.

Suddenly I was yanked backwards. I opened my mouth to let out a yelp, only for it to be covered by what I could only guess was a hand. I grabbed at the arm pulling me back, trying to force it away. I dragged my feet and squirmed around, trying to escape. My struggle proved to be futile as the unknown person dragged me down the hallway and into a janitor's closet. Once the door was closed, I heard a click, and then the room was filled with light. I was released by whoever was behind me. I whipped around to see who it was.

"W-What do you think y-you're doing?" I asked him.

"What?" Alex smirked, his lip piercing gleaming in the harsh light. "Can't take you somewhere private to talk?"

"Y-You grabbed me like a predator. A decent person w-would've came up and asked me to talk." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. I couldn't help it. Even my heart was beating faster. Being this close to him did awful things to me.

"I guess my tactics were a bit too much," he chuckled.

"W-Why do you want to talk to m-me anyway?"

"Did I say talk? My mistake," Alex grinned.


My question was cut short as I was pushed up against the closest wall. I squeaked as my head hit the cold bricks.

"You're so innocent, Ethan," he said, trailing a finger down my neck. I shivered as he leaned in, breathing in my ear. "Let's change that." My mouth opened in a silent moan as he pecked my neck, nibbling lightly.

"Wh- But, ahhhh," I groaned as he left a love bite on my shoulder. My moans only got louder as Alex ran his hands up under my shirt, circling my nipples with his thumbs. My back arched, my legs opening the slightest bit. He saw his chance. He wedged his knee in between my legs, gently rubbing my growing bulge. I felt my knees go weak. I was feeling too much at once. It felt like his hands were all over, giving too much pleasure to handle. My breaths were coming out in pants already. And yet, I didn't want it to stop. I wanted to keep feeling this way.

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