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“JESUS CHRIST! I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!” Eleanor shouted, collapsing back onto the bed, breathing heavily and her eyes shutting from her occasional intense pains. Her hand landed on Louis’ arm and she involuntarily squeezed it tightly, earning a squeal out of him.

“Oh c’mon El, you’re not even almost there! This is only your second contraction; you’re not even in labour yet. You’ve got a long way to go,” he chuckled, rubbing gentle circles on her back in an attempt to relieve some tension by drifting her focus from the ache.

Eleanor slowly turned her head and glared at him, her gaze deathly that Louis was almost frightened. She groaned, grabbed him by his collar and pulled him close. “You think this is funny, don’t you? You’re not the one who has to go through this pain so I suggest you keep your mouth away from slipping “jokes” and provide me with some much needed comfort. I’ve already considered wanting to kill you for doing this to me, don’t make me actually do it.”

Louis swallowed hard, his eyes widened from the intimidating tone she was using, and shook his head, terrified. Eleanor slowly released the tight hold on his collar and gently fell back onto the bed, closing her eyes and breathing deeply.

“I’m—uh I’m just going to get you bottle of water”, Louis spoke, walking out of the room without waiting for an answer, and he couldn’t help but quietly mumbling, “Geez, there really is nothing scarier than a pregnant woman…”, but his attempt to be silent was unsuccessful.


“Nothing, I didn’t say anything!” And he shut the door behind him before he heard anything more. He sighed of relief and closed his eyes. “Jesus.”


*Rachel’s P.O.V .*

“She’s in labour?! Well what now!?” Danielle shouted, throwing her phone back into her purse.

“Talk about excellent timing…” Nat mumbled while she clipped something into my hair. The urge to turn around and slap her was intense, though it faded because she’d helped me so much this past month.  I was about to pull my hair out of its beautiful bun that had taken more time to do then you can count and scream out my frustration; there’s nothing worse than being a bride.

Oh yes, quick rewind – today is my wedding day. After five more years, we figured it was about time to make it official. Today was the day Zayn and I would formally be married, be able to call each other ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ and look forward to our future that consisted of many new memories to create. A girl’s dream is to have a loving husband who stays by her side for the years they face together, be it through comforting her in tough times or celebrating and taking part in her joy, and I was certain Zayn encompassed more than that. Other than the big day itself, the day the love of your life asks you to be his forever is quite significant, and I will never ever forget how Zayn proposed to me. It was just as unique as all of his surprises were, and this proposal was at a concert. A One Direction concert, in front of all of their fans, he called me up on stage in the middle of his solo for little things. I still remember sitting in the audience beside Danielle, Eleanor, and Nat. They all had smirks on their faces the entire day and I just knew something was up. I noticed the security coming our way and he asked to bring me up on stage. I was a little confused but followed along and realized, Zayn had started his speech to me.

“There’s no need for an introduction to the beautiful lady coming towards the stage right now”, he began, his eyes following my every step closer to him. I blushed, no doubt looking tomato red, and stared at the ground as I came up the stairs to the stage. I looked at the boys quickly and saw them back away as if they also knew what coming, smiles on their faces, and Liam giving a quick thumbs up to me.

When Life Gets Complicated. (A One Direction Fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now