Chapter 3

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"C-Carter, why you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?" My voice sounded weaker than I wanted it to be.

" What the Fuck you mean Sydney? Ha? What did I do to you? I haven't even started! You will get beaten up if you don't follow the rules, and you will get to sleep with people you don't even like. Don't let me mention what would happen if you try to escape. So stop complaining, you don't want to make your life harder."

"W-wait, beaten? sleep? Like sleep as sleep or sleep as um, you know what I mean? Carter please help me, don't let them hurt me, please." I started crying.

He kicked me not too hard, "Stop crying for God sake." He yelled. "Why the Fuck you telling me to help you, ha? And what do you mean by them? You don't get that I'm the one that is going to do all these things to you, do you? Why do you trust me so much, Ha? Don't! I'm really going to hurt you, and I'm going to hurt you even more if you start trusting me like this, I'm not a good guy." He looked at me with his cold face. "By the way, are you a virgin?"

I looked at him confused, "of course I'm, I'm only 17 what do you expecting me to be?"

"Most girls your age aren't, but will see what we will do about you." He smirked.


Cameron asked me bunch of questions about myself, but I ignored most of them. If he want to get to know me then he should've been like the other boys, this situation is not normal. Cameron is not a good person, neither is Carter.

"I'm going to leave the house with carter for a while, don't you dare to escape. We are literally in the middle of nowhere. So if you escape even after 10 hours we will get to you very easily, and by very, I mean very. Plus you will get punished," said Cameron.

I honestly give no Fuck, I'm going to run the Fuck away from here, and once we escape, I'm going to let Cameron and Carter pay for this.

I was thinking of a plan on how to escape from here before going to Sydney's room. Then I thought we should go first, and then see what's going to happen. I mean our fate is not going to change no matter what.

I went to Sydney and opened her door, I saw her crying on the floor by herself.

"OMG! Stop crying, Syd. We going to escape now, get up!"

"N-no, no. We can't!" Said Sydney.

"What the Fuck you mean we can't? Do you wanna stay here forever?"

"Didn't Cameron tell you what he is going to do if they catch us escaping? Do you wanna get hurt? Do you want me to get hurt?"

"I don't care, stop being negative! We can also escape and go back to our normal life."

"A-alright." She said, I could tell she was scared."

As we opened the kitchen door to escape, we saw Cameron and Carter waiting for us there.

"You're finally here," said Carter. "Follow me." He grabbed Sydney by her wrist and dragged her behind him.

"Let's go upstairs," said Cameron.

I followed him upstairs. We went to his room, then he locked the door.

"We should have a talk," he said. "Look, this time I won't do anything, because it's your first time. But next time, I promise you will get hurt."

"Mhm, sure" I murmured to myself.


Carter grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me behind him. It kind of hurts, but I didn't say anything because I know he was mad. We got in his room, and he locked the door after.

Once we got in the room he pushed me really hard to the ground, "what I say about not escaping, Ha? Didn't I say I'm gonna punish you if you try to escape? Didn't I warn you hundred times? You are making it harder for yourself, Sydney." He spat.

"I-i'm sorry. Ca-carter, I really didn't mean to. It just happened, it won't happen ever again, please don't hurt me." I cried.

"There you go, fucking crying again. Now you will get punished for both crying and trying to escape. You broke two of the rules."

He punched me in my stomach once, twice, and then the third time. He held me by my wrist and swung me around. After that he went to the bathroom and he had a razor with him, Oh no.

*after the cutting*

"That's what you get for breaking the rules," said Carter.

I just stared at him. I couldn't believe what he did. I really liked him tho, the sad part is that I still do.

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