Chapter 6

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*Emily's p.o.v*

I woke up the next morning, Cameron wasn't next to me. I tried to move but my whole body was sore. I don't know, I didn't enjoy it. It was my first time, and it really hurts. How could Cameron do this to me? I thought he was all nice and different. As I was thinking cam came out of the bathroom.

"Good morning baby." He said, but I ignored him.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He said, "don't ignore me." He yelled, which i ignored as well.

"Look you bitch, i told you not to ignore me." He yelled.

"What do you want me to do then, ha? you raped me yesterday. I trusted you, but you r-raped me! How could you, Cameron?" I yelled back.

"That's what you are here for, what else did you expect me to do when you didn't let me. We could've had it easily. Don't you like me?"

"Like you? Are you dumb? How could I ever like someone like you? You are literally disgusting, I could not think of a person who is more disgusting than you are." I lied.

He just looked at me with sad eyes and left the room.

*Sydney's P.O.V*

I woke up in the morning next to Carter. As I looked at him, he was already wide awake.

"Good morning, syd." He said.

"G-good morning, Carter?" I said it more like a question, "Is it okay if I call you by your name?" I asked.

He laughed so hard, "what else would you call me? 'Mr. Reynolds?' Or 'sir'."

"I don't know, usually when people get kidnapped they don't call the person that kidnapped them by their first name." I said.

"Don't worry, just call me Carter. By the way, I have to go somewhere. You know what you should do right? Don't make it like last time." He said warning me.

"A-alright, I won't try to run away." I said.

"Good," he smiled.

After Carter and Cameron left someone opened my door and got inside of the room, it was a girl.

"Hey little bitch." she said, "did Carter have sex with you yet?" The girl said.

"W-what do you mean?" I questioned.

"Oh, he didn't tell you? You are here just to have sex with him, and you know so he would have someone to Fuck with and get his anger on. You are no more than a slut. A Fucking slave slut, so stop acting so innocent. Your friend got raped by Cameron already, I guess you are next." She laughed then left.

A tear left my eye, Emily got raped? I thought Cameron was a nice guy! How dare he rape Emily. I was envying how Cameron was so nice to her, but he was just acting? She probably got abused by him too. I can't just stay still if I do, I'll probably be next.

I went to Emily's room and saw her crying.

"Emily!" I said.

"Syd, what you doing here?" She asked.

"Let's go, we have to run away! As far as we could, I can't stay here anymore." I said.

"I thought you didn't want go run away? I thought you were scared of Carter." She said.

"I'm! I really am. But I heard what Cameron did to you! I can't just do nothing, we have to run. And by the way you okay? I'm so sorry" I said.

"It's fine," She sighed.

We got to the kitchen, and made sure Cameron and Carter aren't tricking us like last time. I held Emily's hand and we ran as fast as we could. The place was literally in the middle of nowhere. As we were both running I tripped over a rock, again and fell. I know I'm clumsy, sorry not sorry. Glad I didn't hurt my foot like last time tho, I got up and continued running. After running for what felt like 15 minutes I saw a guy in front of us.

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