Freddy Fazbears Again

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Max woke up safely in his bed. The pain from his back and side was gone and he could sit up. When he did, he saw Plushtrap in his bed. The plushie just sat there, starring at him. Max starred at it and then lightly pushed it off the bed with his foot. It hit the floor with a small thump, kind of like the one he hears when Plushtrap gets off the chair. Then Max heard crashing coming from the kitchen. He jumped at the noise, and held his Golden Freddy plushie tightly. He remembered that that's what Nightmare Chica does. "Maybe she's in the house right now!" Max thought. He started shaking with fear and his under the covers. Then he heard footsteps coming from the right door. He braced himself for an attack, but felt nothing. Everything went dead silent. Then, the covers were quickly pulled up and he saw Foxy. Foxy jumped at Max and grabbed him, holding him up and roaring. Only, this roar was different from the roars he heard in his dreams. It was more, human-like. Max started kicking and crying. He screamed while the tears ran down his face. Then, he was dropped back on his bed. He looked up with fear still swimming in his eyes, and saw his dad taking off a Foxy head, laughing. "We have to leave in about 15 minutes" Maxes dad said. Then he walked out of the room, like nothing ever happened.

Max sighed and fell backwards onto his bed. He looked to his right and saw his Golden Freddy plushie. Then he turned his head to the left and saw Plushtrap. Max quickly jumped up, frightened. He starred at Plushtrap that had reappeared on his bed. Then he kicked it off the bed again, this time with more force. Then, Max climbed off his bed, got dressed, and walked into the kitchen. When he did, his dad handed him a juice box. "Drink it quickly, we're leaving in a few minutes." He said. Max drank the juice, then threw it away. He walked into the living room and grabbed the remote to the TV. Then his dad came walking in and grabbed Maxes hand. "Hurry up and get in the car, we're gonna be late!" He said pulling him to the door. He ran outside to the car then got in. His dad got in after him and started the car. When his dad started driving, Max relaxed. Then, he saw Plushtrap. It was on his right side, starring at him with his evil grin. "Oh, you brought your little buddy, huh?" His dad said looking at him and Plushtrap through the mirror. Max looked down at Plushtrap and then back at his dad. They both had big, creepy smiles, and white eyes. But, his dads eyes were pure white, and Plushtraps eyes had big, black pupils. Then, they pulled into Freddy Fazbears pizzeria. Max sighed as he he got out of the car, and walked into the building.

When he walked in he noticed the horrible smell. It smelt like vomit and dirty feet. 5 children ran past Max screaming and laughing. He looked up at his dad and his dad frowned at the children and walked to the counter. Max followed him and stopped at his dads side. He peeked from behind him and his dad put his arm around him and pulled him closer. He looked down and asked "so buddy, what do you want?" Max started thinking. "A pizza" he said smiling. "Ok buddy, a pizza then" his dad said. He turned to the lady working at the counter and started talking. "So how's work here Grace?" His dad said. "Whatever Vincent" Grace said rolling her eyes. "So what do you want?" She said again, sounding annoyed. "Oh, um, hold on." He said. Then he turned to Max, who was getting bored. "Why don't you go sit down and I'll be there in a little bit with your pizza." His dad said. Max nodded and walked over to the table that was near. He sat down and saw his dad talking to the girl again. Then he lost interest and looked around at all the other happy children. He started to daydream when he heard a plop in front of him. He looked up and saw his dad had dropped the pizza box on the table. His dad had a light red hand mark and an upset expression on his face. His dad sat down and opened the pizza. Max quickly reached over and grabbed a slice.

Max ate the pizza and then watched his dad get up and walk to the parts/service room. That's where his dad worked. He grabbed another slice, even though he didn't really like the pizza. He thought it tasted like cardboard. He sat there and ate his pizza slowly. Then he saw his dad in the closet with a man wearing a Golden Bonnie suit. The man was wearing the full suit besides the head. His dad was holding the head. "Hold still" his dad said as he raised the head up above the mans head. "Do not touch or even breathe on the spring lock inside the suit. If you do, the springs will lock, staving through your body. If that does happen, move into an unpopulated room to bleed out." He said again. The mans eyes showed fear as his dad lowered the head onto him. Once the head was on, the man walked out to entertain the children. His dad watched as the man walked out carefully, and his scary grin appeared on his face. Then his dad walked out and back to Max. "Ok we can go home now. We can eat that leftover pizza for dinner tonight." His dad said looking down at the half-eaten pizza. Max jumped right up and started walking towards the door with his dad. But, right before his dad walked out, he turned and waved at Grace. She looked then rolled her eyes and they walked out. They went to the car and drove off in the direction to their house. While they were driving, his dad was mumbling angrily. Maybe at the traffic, or maybe from something else. Anyway, Max was half-listening, half-daydreaming. Then he saw Plushtrap by him. He picked him up and tossed him to the ground. Then his dad pulled into the driveway. And they got out of the car. Max quickly got into the house. He was finally home.

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