chappie 6

24 0 1


OK today is the day. I'm going to talk to Fionna. hopefully she doesn't faint, although i wonder why does she faint when she sees me is it my good looks,my incredibly sexy body,my killer smile,or maybe its the curls... AH YES ITS GOTTA BE THE CURLS! oh god now im being cocky 'God stop that and dress up' my stupid little mind said... oh my god i just called my stupid little mind stupid ... there it is again GAHH I'm just gonna dress up

 ••30 mins and a smart-ass fight with my mind-which i won!-later••

as soon as got down the stairs this is what i see...nothing no Fionna,no Andrea,no Aldhea,no boys just louis singing....barbie girl? god thet boy never fails to suprise me

"hey Lou wheres the others?"

"the beach" 

"and you didn't tell me!'

'calm your tits!" Louis said getting all ghetto on me-which didn't suit him-

"then why are you here?"

"waiting for you and my lovely Eleanor" well that boy is really in love

"let me get my trunks:"

"LOUIS!' i heard Eleanor's familiar voice

she jumped in Lou's' arms and..... you guessed it kissed it was really adorable but me wanting to see Fionna ruined the moment shouting 


Of course they stopped Eleanor looked at me blushing while Louis looked at me rather not nicely like more like a im-gonna-kill-you-cause-you-just-stopped-my-make-out-session-with-a-girl-I'm-deeply-in-love-with look or as i like to call it I.G.K.Y.C.Y.J.S.M.M.O.S.W.A.G.I.D.I.L.W ......well that was long.. meh don't care



hello my friends goodbye


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