Pain - Brief Summary Of My Childhood.

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Pain is a drug. There's no denying it. It helps you to release all of your built up emotions without saying a word, as the emotional pain that you may be going through is worth more than a thousand words, and simple cannot be expressed through words; only through actions. The worst kind of actions. You inflict physical damage upon yourself in order to gain a temporary release of emotional distress. Don't worry I understand what you're going through. I understand it all too well. I've been through quite a lot in my life, more than others should ever have to go through and I'm only 16 years old. I've encountered mental, physical and emotional abuse, it's truly horrifying when these types of abuse come from your own parents. I was also physically abused by both my mother and father, I'd often get kicked punched, slapped my mother even threw her coffee at me or threw plates and such in my direction. My brothers also physically abused me, it wasn't your average sibling rivalry, no. My oldest brother once chocked me in the bathroom as I was gasping for air all he was saying was something along the lines of " If I hear you yelling one more time I'm going to come down stairs and beat the shit out of you."  Of course my mother didn't care, in fact I even told her about this occurrence and she said nothing to him about it. She didn't care. My younger brother once held a knife to me. As for one of the twins he would come down stairs and punch or kick me whilst I was minding my own business watching television and such he would punch me in the face every time he walked past me. I never understood why. To this day I still don't understand. Enough about my horrible childhood.

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