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Early in the morning. Collective moans and dead groans fill the streets. This city was claimed by these beasts. Bodies lined the road and blood coated everything. These beasts all gathered and formed a crowd. They searched the city for living souls. They would pile up around cars and keep searching. Sounds of screams or rushing of cars would drag them away.

They walked on. Spreading this beastly curse amongst to other unfortunate souls. Being devoured and either being nothing more than food... Or turning and rising up to join.

There was a rather nice house. Resting on the corner of a block. Inside was a middle aged white man. He peaked out his window and saw the herd passing through. He went to his room and quickly grabbed an axe. It was shaped like a cross. Nice and silver. Created by stainless steel.

The man went and grabbed a long stick from a fireplace in his living room. It was long and pointed. The man also took a shirt and wrpped it over the end. Then secured it down with a nail.

He took a nearby lighter and set the cloth on fire. Stepped up to his door. Opened it up. And threw the flaming spear out into the street.

All the groaners had noticed the flame and walked to it. The ones who got close enough were set on fire. Which quickly spread to others. The man was no longer trapped in his house. So he took the opportunity and fled on foot. Away from the herd and towards the highway.

He didnt stop till he found a car. The keys were still in ignition. Blood coated the outside. The scattered derranged souls had started to gather and focus on the car. The man was hyperventilating as he drove the car away from the ruined city. He passed by a city sign that read "welcome to Guymon"

Arianna shouted aloud as she sprinted past the church that was blocks away from the park. Pheobe and Don were following behind. Panting and gasping as they ran.

Not long till they all rounded the curve by the church and down the block. They made a final sprint to a block of small apartments. The first one they got to was on the right of the inside set of apartments. Arianna waited for Don and Pheobe to enter before slamming the door shut and locking it behind her.

The apartment was small. There was a sofa on the back wall and one by the window. There were reminants of childrens toys and drawings around the place. No child. And no male presence was shown. Except for the sight of a couple empty beer bottles. They all sat down and rested. Panting and heaving. Trying to process what just happened.

Pheobe: W-What on heavens earth was that?!

Don: I told you. There was a derranged man after me! You didnt listen!

Aria: Well we art listening to thines word now! For we have seen you, A prophet of great and bad word.

Don: uhhh sure. With whatever you said. But either way.... Theres cannibals outside. And i need to go get my brother.

Pheobe: Thine brother? Please. Shed light upon this "brother" of yours.

Don: ok.... Tall, wears glasses, white skinned. Goes to school here.

Aria: we hath seen your brother. He hath visited us not long before you arrived. I believe he still within the education realm. We'll have to wait to get him after 3.

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