Letting Go For The Better?

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 The one place i knew was a last resort became my plan. The one place i knew would never accept me, yet where else could i go? This place hated my guts, we treated them like peasants and yet i decided to go to them for a chance but after what happened i wouldn't be surprised if they kicked me out at the first sight of me.But one man came to me...at my lowest point in life he came and changed my world around just with his words, yes...i remember it all..

                                                                                   * FlashBack *

 The night winds howled rashly and i leaned on a metal railing watching over the rocks holding together the tournament building which stood tall. Just about an hour ago the whole town was so loud the past dragon ages could have heard but now the town was quiet almost abandoned. The moons rays hitting my face my arm glowing blue in certain patterns and just seeing that made me swell up i felt a small tear rolling down my face. A harsh moment i had gone through just minutes ago i was booted out of the only place i could stay at and afford. I was kicked out of my guild, it wasn't a kind caring guild, it was a guild for only the strongest magic mages....today i couldn't take it any more i let my words spill from my mouth to my master and by then my future was already chosen. The more i thought about it the more tears came streaming down my face silent whimpers came from me, as my heart ached in pain, i was no longer part of Sabertooth, so i had lost many friends. One of my most closest friends was at first Rogue, but that was before another boy came in and became his best friends.... Jealousy always got the best of me those two fought with strength but not enough to go against someones feelings. I always came around, i would ask Rogue to hang out he always agreed to that with a warming smile but then that one boy came along and changed the plans, Sting would barely let me hang out with Rogue, and we were slowly sinking away from each other. He always hanged out with Sting and i was left in the shadows, i had given up and became a lone wolf in Sabertooth. I my self was a dragon slayer i was strong but i was lonely, it's not like i had a home, not like i had any friends i went all out on my own. But today i just got so frustrated and yelled at everyone,  my Sabertooth symbol i burned off  on my own  but the red burning flesh of mines still shined more painful than ever at night. I stood on top a building a place to sit and relax but around the edges was a metal railing where i laid forwards against the railing with tears swelling around. I couldn't ever bare looking at the blue patterns of a blue outlined in a blackish mist. I could see  it glowing at the edge of my eyes but i was trying to not let it get to me. But the tears wouldn't stop, a short cry out came from me  and i shut my eyes since i couldn't see past my tears. The way everyone looked at me when my out burst at the master  happened....I couldn't  hold in such anger and pain that long so it all came out but yet i still suffer. I've never seen Rogue look at me the way he did when i yelled at him, i doubted he gave two shits about my suffering, after all he had Sting up his ass so he was just fine. I just couldn't bare with all these mixed emotions. "So here you are...the one girl i thought would be here..." My tears  halted as a voice cut off the silence making me forget for about a second of all the pain i was feeling. "You should know who i am....What brings you here at this night?" My flesh was still burning you could see it on my right arm where my loving symbol once was. I wiped my tears quickly and turned around to look at him, Master Makarov of Fairy Tail standing ahead of me  walking over my way. "I can leave, i didn't mean to take your spot..." He closed his eyes and grumbled "Avoiding my question i see? Won't you tell me whats wrong?" I stood there still and just stared at him. "Nothings wrong, i'm just getting a relaxing moment to look back on." He was now by my side looking over the railing. "Does relaxing  involve crying? Crying out like that can be no other than pain....Your not okay, that much i know...i've also seemed to have found out a certain someone was ordered to leave there guild...only because Sabertooth only wants the strongest? But i don't believe the master kicked this person out for no reason? I feel like this someone was hurt? Would you happen to know this someone Aleha?" My hair covered my face and tears were flowing even faster out of my eyes, my hand gripping at my chest my teeth gritting together tight, my other arm glowing brighter blue with the mist still surrounding it. "I-I   w-wonder who..." I managed to get out with sniffles between words. " Everyone has a reason for what they did. People who are lonely hold a lot in to there selves....your emotion were strong and painful...not even the strongest mage i know could hold in emotions like that..you Can't fight emotions...what you did wasn't wrong. I've heard of you, your more than what you think you are...your more than what that guild makes you. Your are never alone, every mistake is something to learn from...you don't plan to walk the path through your future alone? Do you?" I was holding my head and crying loudly, i felt like a fool acting like this in front of another guilds master. "I-I'm sorry, i shouldn't be acting like this in front of a guild master..i feel utterly weak..i probably am" My hair covered my face as i was now on my knees tears still falling and i couldn't stop them. I felt a hand fall onto my head and it patted me. "No ones weak no matter their history anyone can become better, your fine... crying in front of me just lets me know i need to help... Sabertooth is your home it's never easy when leaving.." He began to walk away from me then i turned around to look at him as he stopped for a second looking into the darkness "It's never easy losing your friend to someone else...like i said your never alone there's a guild with open arms to many...filled with brats...very annoying brats but they are my brats...i never mind having another. If you decide you want to, i believe you know where it is?" I didn't move i sat on my knees still shocked. "Another dragon slayer never hurts.." With that he disappeared as he left my sight i just sat there still...Fairy Tail? Me in that kind of guild? I sat there for a while like that until i decided to sit down at a nearby bench with trees on both sides. I continued to cry because of my actions but also because of Makarov's words. I continued to sniffle, i was always rock hard and stern with much power and confidence..nobody's ever seen me in such a way as this, i would ultimately die if someone from Sabertooth came and saw me like this! A broken girl sitting on a bench with eyes gushing like a waterfall under a pale moon? Complete embarrassment is what describes it. "I'm so stupid...i lost my friend and my home...i have no where to go..because of my damn emotions!" I yelled and kicked rocks, my blue on my left arm was even more bright and blinding...my anger must have increased the color it. I was so mad at my self, i felt the power to blow away a whole town with my magic...my dumb decisions made me lose everything. I buried my face in my hands and moved on with pain in my heart. I just sat there as it got cold and it became pure midnight. I didn't feel like i deserved to raise my.."You shouldn't be out here past midnight you know? You don't wanna be breaking the rules again?" That voice...oh that voice had me almost growling as the person took their seat beside me on the bench.  "Awww quit your crying would you? Your only making your self look worse than usual.." I heard a bit of laughter nearby as well, i knew exactly who it was...Lector.  "You should  have really thought that through you know? Yelling at us all? What else did you expect? At least now you have the option of being one of those Fairy freaks" He laughed at me while trying to peak at my soaked face i let my hands fall as his eyes froze on me in total shock, till he burst out laughing? "Damn....we made you cry?" He laughed even harder his eyes shut with Lector joining in.  "We didn't think you would even care? Ha! You really are a weakling aren't you? Doesn't surprise me.." My blood was boiling and he didn't seem to be helping my rising anger. "Your about the last person i would ever wanna talk to Sting, how about you get lost and leave me alone?"  "Well, it's not like you have much of anyone to talk to anymore.." He snickered to him self. "A women dragon slayer you are eh? Weren't you raised by what's the name? Ac-ac-Acnologia!" He shouted screaming like a lady and acting scared, he held his stomach laughing up a storm. I stood up instantly "Get out of here! Before i beat  your ass! And i won't lose to the like of you!" "Is that suppose to be a challenge?" Sting raised up from the bench and stood inches away from me right up to my face. " Do you want it to be? I could rid you from the world if i wanted to.. but then i would get locked up and that wouldn't be any fun." He smirked looking into my eyes " Ha, why don't we battle then? In front of the town? See who the town favors most. Let's get the word across everyone and make this public...one who loses the battle gets public embarrassment winner stays where they are with a cheering crowd." "Tomorrow.." I growled at him "Tomorrow it is, well i better head back...the master wouldn't want me out this late, well at least one of us 'has' a master.." He smiled brightly with Lector giggling as they both left from my sight. Did i just make the second most biggest mistake in my life?

                                                                    * FlashBackEnds *

 I treaded through Magnolia my feet scratching the ground as i took one step after another. The sun beating down on me while towns folk stared at me whispering and giggling or giving me nasty looks. I saw busy shops with plenty of people, this was quite a bustling town wasn't it? I wasn't familiar with this town i was used to being on quests and barely coming back or going to these magic games where i never really stayed here in Magnolia so it was kind of all new for me getting around this town. I finally made it to a large building standing in front of me...what in hell was i doing? My eyes took a few minutes to get a look of how big the building was till my eyes came across a wooden plank above engraved 'Fairy Tail' i hesitated before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath and with that walking over to the big bulk doors and pushing them aside while walking in.......

( Hello to any readers reading this! Hope it is good so far, i know i'm kind throwing a bunch of sadness at you right off at the beginning but this was a hard part of Aleha's life and the reason that got her to give in and take a visit to Fairy Tail. Trust me much more sad things are going to happen.....but a bunch of happiness is gonna be in the next chapter! Makarov came to save the day because that's how the old man is....he's still got it XD  But read on and find out what's it's like when Aleha first walks into Fairy Tail.....could it be the third most biggest mistake of her life? But to any one thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy the story! Xoxoxo)

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