You Call This A Normal Day In Fairy Tail?

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  Recap!: ** So Aleha ends up getting kicked out of Sabertooth or so she remembers as when she was struggling a certain master came round and gave words of advice throwing in a suggestion " There's a guild with open arms to many filled with many brats, very annoying brats but they are my brats and i never mind having another.."  As Aleha is left in her thoughts of whether to join, a couple of trouble makers come and stir her mind when it suddenly comes down to an agreement? " Why don't we battle then? In front of the town? See who the towns folk favor the most. let's get the word across everyone and make this public..." And as Aleha snaps out of her memories she finally makes it to the one guild she never saw her self joining 'What the hell was i doing..' As she took a deep breath in and walked inside. Third biggest mistake of her life? **

 Every ones eyes fell upon me the whole room went silent as endless eyes followed my every move. I walked up to a woman with blue eyes and white-ish hair standing behind the bar table she had a big smile when i came over to her. "The master wouldn't happen to be here would he?" I asked as politely as possible. "He will be back in just a few minutes why don't you take a seat and wait?" She smiled while cleaning a mug.  "Sure,um.."  "Mira, my names Mira.." She giggled " What's your name?"  "Oy! Mira! Lunch would be nice at the moment! When ever your available!" A man walked in with dark blue-ish hair and well no shirt on?? "My names Aleha.." I returned a smile  "Well hello Aleha! One minute Gray!" She shouted out to him. "Better hurry before fire bones gets here....i'm gonna need some energy to beat his ass when he gets back!"  "Your gonna have to excuse me Aleha...gotta help him out. Just wait right here i'm sure you'll be fine." She then turned around and prepared his meal running over to him with a plate placing it down then having a conversation as well. "Gray?" I whispered to my self confused. I took a glimpse over his way and he had done the same! Embarrassment engulfed me and my face became bright red i didn't mean to look at him at the same time! Knocking me out of my thought as a mug crashed down beside me booze slushing over the sides and staining the wooden table. "Your new? Tell me your a drinker? I need an actual challenge at some point you know? Wanna give it a try? Hey Mira!!"  "No no i'm good!" I nervously responded back to her. "No way! I-I challenge you to a drink off.." She slurred her words and was stuttering, was she drunk?  "Ugh where's Natsu..? Gray! Do you know?!" A boy came running out looking around he was short with a scarf on and black-ish hair.  "Howl shouldg i knowth?" Gray said while stuffing his face?? "Weren't you with them all? or did they leave you behind?" The boy started laughing at Gray " They didn't leave me behind! I had chosen to stay!" Gray yelled in defense mouth still full of food. "That's not what Natsu said!" "What the hell did Natsu say?!!?" The boy started laughing again "It's not funny!" Gray yelled while still going on with a mouth of food. "Oy! Come on! Hurry up! Let's do this challenge i'm getting light headed!" The women with brown hair ordered me "Umm that's because your drunk?" "I'm not drunk! I would know when i'm challenge me Bacchus!" "Bacchus? Ummmm.....Ehhhh..No challenges no no i'm fine right here..yup" I was being cornered! "Gray, cloths would be nice?" The boy said and gray jumped up surprised? Didn't he? But? What?? The boy held his stomach as he bursts out laughing. Gray got up in the boys face "You wanna go kid?!" The boy stood up tall smiling "Fire against ice? Like to see you try!" "Hmp, Natsu's flames can't even make a dent but sure try it.."  The boy smiling widely bringing up his fist 'Your on ice boy!"  Gray raised his fist as well "Bring it on flitter flames..."    "Hey! Watch it Gray that's my son there." A man who looked quite old called out. "You want some too old man?!" Gray smiled back at him. "HEY! That's no way to speak to your old master?" the old man who was now tapping his foot said "You were a master at some point?" Another man with a pipe laughed. "Cana! Your scaring the girl! And you know your drunk..." Another man came up to the two of us his hair was black and edgy with red eyes and black clothing? "You don't know anything Gildarts! You never get spunk.." Cana wobbling over  "Spunk? You meant drunk??" "Uh no, i said drunk! Get out of here Makarov unless you wanna take on the challenge?" Cana smiled brightly at him. "It's Gajeel..."   "Bless you.." She said closing her eyes.The man slapped his hand on his forehead and shook his head in shame. " Oy! Gajeel sing a song since Mira is busy!" Cana said raising her mug and cheering. So Cana was her name eh? " Umm well unlike you Cana i think we all wanna be able to hear tomorrow i'm not interested in going deaf because of his reckless singing..."   "Nobody was talking to you Mr. Strips!" Gajeel yelled at Gray like a rampant dog. "Your singing is worse than Natsu's motion sickness...." Gray yelled back, with the boy with the scarf snickered loudly throwing his hands over his mouth to block the sound. " You wanna eat an iron sandwich  because i'm willing to give it to you!" Gajeel barked "You want a face full of ice? Because i'm all fired up!"  "THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE ANY DAMN SENSE! Your an ICE MAGE! Your can't be fired up!" Gajeel shouted  " Does it look like i give a SHIT?" Gray yelled at Gajeel poking him roughly " Gajeel! Calm down! Now get back over here you wanted to read that one book right? You had a break let's go back.." She tugged on Gajeel's arm. "Hell no he isn't leaving! I'm suppose to be beating his ass!" Gray said bringing his fists back up "Gray back off" The girl said while pushing Gray away even though Gajeel was leaning forwards growling at Gray, till another women came out of no where?!? Where in hell were they all coming from!?! " Don't..touch..Gray-Sama..." the one girl with blue killer eyes stood in front of Gray.  "Juvia.." Gray said in shock a slight whisper as Juvia's face become instantly red as she slowly turned to Gray  "Y-yes?" She stared into his eyes as he stared back at her " Move out of my way! He's gonna get what he's ordered!" Gray barked at her pushing her aside. She stood in shock beside him as he was back at yelling in Gajeel's face while Juvia held her heart "Gray -sama!" She gurgled while waterfalls came from her eyes as she cried out?? What the?  "I said i wanted to challenge you Bacchus! come on!" I promise i won't lose this time!"  I looked back over at her my face froze my hands up in the air surrendering " meeee" I squeaked out trying to back away.  A bulk man walked up to the girl protecting Gajeel and smiled " Your the man Levy, a true strong man.."   Levy turned to him as she had her arms around Gajeel holding him back as he began to drag her forwards towards gray "I'm a women!" Levy shouted back. Two guys came beside Levy and began to cheer her on "Yeah go Levy! You tell him!" The two guys cheered smiling and heart eyes staring at her. The bulk man growled back at them " Don't cheer her on!?" The big man yelled. "Oy! Your all so you have to fight about everything?"  All seven of them turned to the man with yellow hair there faces dark and scary while saying the same thing at the same time "Nobody asked you!" They all shouted at him.   "Hey! Don't be yelling at me now!" Laxus growled back at them all till another man with green hair popped up out of no where? What the hell? Seriously where is everyone coming from!?!  "You tell them Laxus! Your such a man!" The guy with the green hair cried out clenching his hands together as waterfalls came from his eyes and a smile. The big man shouted out vibrating through out the room " Hey! that's my thing!" The big man shouted. "Uh Freed? You don't have to keep saying things like that you know?" Laxus said with a drink in his hand and his feet up on the table tangled with each other. " Yeah shut it Lightning dragon faker! We gotta a beating to do!" Gray yelled loudly at Laxus "I thought you wanted to save your energy to fight against Natsu, Gray?"  Gray growled again "I'll beat every ones ass if i have to!" he shouted out around the room. "Oh Gray-Sama can beat Juvia's ass...." She had heart eyes with a huge smile swaying back and forth?  And Gray's reaction must have been shocked as he backed away from her  "Uhm!!" He said loudly putting his hands up to his side surrendering backing up far away from her. "Doesn't even feel like seven years have went guys are still crazy...ha!" Another woman with a cowboy hat on polishing a large gun smiled at them all.  "Shut it biscuit! Now some one challenge me!!" Cana stomped around the guild. The women with the gun raised a eyebrow "Oh Cana, did you just call me biscuit?" Then a little girl came forth wearing a small cowboy hat as well smiling while tugging on her moms shoulder.  "Mommy..." The girl whined. " What's wrong sweety?" The women smiled down at the girl. "Can i challenge Cana? I'm sure i'll win mommy!" The girl jumped up and down, but the women's eyes flew open "Nooo sweety, this isn't the contest you think it is..." The women started to laughing a man sitting beside her laughing as well.  "Oy! Let the girl verse me! She accepted the challenge! I'm gonna win this Laxus!" Laxus then turned to Cana and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you saying my name for? Your so annoying when your drunk..." Freed smiled with the waterfall of tears washing back and down his face "You are never wrong Laxus, your such a great leader..." Freed shouted out hands squeezing together.  Laxus turned to Freed and raised an eyebrow  "Uh...thanks?" Laxus questioned.  "Cough-cough kiss up..." Gray joked laughing while the boy with the scarf joined in.  Freed turned to Gray with sharp teeth narrowed eyes and pure anger "Shut it Gray! You  just have no respect for Laxus as i do..." Gray raised a eyebrow at Freed. "Your worse than Juvia..." Gray laughed. "I thought you were gonna give me a face full of ice?" Gajeel said with his arms crossed. "I can't even eat my damn food with you all!" Gray shouted. "Your sure you wanna eat any more? You look like your getting bloated Gray?" A little cat came forwards with red eyes and wearing little cloths with a sword. Gray turned to the little cat with a dark face " Why would i take the opinion from an exceed? No thank you Lily.." Gray said taking his seat finally continuing to eat. "Ugh i feel sick! Wendy! Wendy on over help me out soon...ah..oh" Cana said sitting on a wooden stool hanging backwards about to fall back off her stool. "O-one, one! One more mug! I can take it! I'm-i am strong!" With that she raised her mug and fell back onto the wooden floor booze flying through the air. Gray finally finished what he was eating and got up to bring his plate over to Mira. At the same time Cana fell back and i went to go grab her but instead i ran right into someone!?! "Ah!" I made a light scream. Everything went dark and then i opened my eyes, i was laying on something warm? My blurry vision went away and i looked up to see a person? Gray!! I fell on him! "Uh!" I panicked. I was laying on his chest and he looked down at me. "I-i'm sorry!" I said panicking to get up "No i'm sorry...i didn't mean to" He said getting up as well helping me up. " I've never seen you here before? Are you new?" He asked me. "Um.." I was frozen by what had just happened! He stood there waiting for an answer.  "She want's to join!" Mira said happily smiling while picking up Gray's plates. He looked back over at me "Your ready to join this guild? Have you seen what it's like? If you join be aware that Natsu's gonna wanna fight you, it's his weird dumbass habit. I always beat his ass anyways" Gray smiled proudly.  "Your always lying aren't you?" Gajeel said still waiting for that fight. "You can't fight Natsu! You lose every time!" Gray shouted getting back up in Gajeel's face. They were right in front of me as i slowly very slowly backed away "Ehhhh....." I whined quietly backing away "Still hungry for that sandwich?!?" Gajeel smiled widely poking him "Still feeling for that ice?!?" Gray poked him back they were both growling at each other. "Ice maker!.." Gray yelled "Iron brea..!" Gajeel shouted they were both on the edge about to fire at each other till someone walked in.  "Enough!" A man yelled walking over from the entrance our way, there he stood himself, master Makarov. "I come back and you all are fighting?!?" Makarov yells at them. Oh they are gonna get it now...."Whew thank god i thought something was gonna be seriously wrong when i came back, sorry to interrupt continue on...." What the hell? Makarov walked over to Mira where i had been. "Oy! Ge-ge! Where have you been? Leaving with out even telling me about it eh? Tell these brats to shut it, they've been at it for hours!" Laxus spoke finally taking a sip of his drink. Freed slowly popped up again heart eyes and the whole waterfall thing clenching his hands "Listen to Laxus....he's never wrong! He should become the next master!" Freed swayed back and forth smiling.  "Shut it Freed!" A mug then went flying and hit Freed in his face knocking him over! He laid on the ground seeing stars drooling and completely knocked out quietly whining out. "Laxussssss....." He whispered. "I shall be Fairy Tacks new master! I order you all to...." With that Cana was standing on top a table but in an instant she fell to the floor with a loud thud louder than when she had fallen off her stool!  I turned to Makarov "Um..Makarov?" I whispered over to him as he was one stool over away from me. He already began drinking as then he looked over at me.  "Aleha? What are you doing..?" He paused with his drink in his hand hanging in mid air, he stared at me in shock. "So that's why you came?" He began to smile at me. "Well of course you can join! I believe you've seen a normal day in Fairy Tail eh?" I raised an eyebrow...."Normal day here? That's normal?"  You call this a normal day in Fairy Tail?!?

(Oh god you don't even have to tell me i know that was a lot right? Yeah well if you wanna join a guild like Fairy Tail this shouldn't be something that surprises you when you come in XD To me? Yup that would be a normal day in Fairy Tail.....or maybe a little odd or out of place cause Natsu's not there? But no worries he'll be back next chapter  ;-)  Hopefully that was some what funny i tried my best to capture how i would see Fairy Tail if i was Aleha.  But would falling on Gray be such a bad thing?? XD Fairy Tail is everything but normal and that's what keeps it the best! A guild for only the most craziest people out there......maybe i should join then? I would fit right in! Leave a comment if you want to and tell me What do you think you would see if you walked into Fairy Tail for the first time or what it would be like! Thank you to any one reading it means a lot to me, always! Read on and you see a true fight scene between two powerful people! Until next Chapter, bye-bye! Xoxoxo)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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