Flowers and Chocolates

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Jim told me that hit me and it felt like a kiss.
  -Lana Del Rey "Ultraviolence"

It wasn't always like this. He wasn't always angry, you never irritated him. But it suddenly changed. Everything went downhill that day.

You were cleaning the place up since it was a complete mess. There was unwashed dishes everywhere, clothes strewn around the floor, etc. It was a big mess.

You were almost done cleaning when Jerome came home.

"Hey J, how did it go?" You asked, happy he was home.

"Please just stop talking Y/N, I'm not in the mood right now," he grunted.

"Did something go wrong? Did one of the boys mess up?" You were confused.

"Jesus Y/N, I told you I'm not in the mood to talk! Please leave me alone!" He glared and stormed off into your shared bedroom. .

You furrowed your brows. Something definitely went wrong. Ignoring his comment on leaving him alone, you quickly went to the kitchen to fix him something to eat.

Opening the door slowly,  you walked in quietly and say next to him on the bed, playing the plate on the nightstand.

"J? I brought you something to eat," You said, looking at his form that was starting at the ceiling.

"I'm not hungry," He clenched his jaw.

"Um, ok. Do you want to talk about what happened?" You asked carefully, a hint of fear in your voice. You could tell he was angry, and you didn't want to provoke him.

He turned to look at you, his eyes burning with rage. He suddenly sat up and pulled your hair roughly causing you to yelp.

"I fucking told you I don't want to talk to anyone right now! What are you,  stupid?" He yelled, his grip around your hair getting tighter.

"I'm sorry, I was just worried! I didn't want you to go to sleep angry! I thought talking about it would help you calm down!" Your voice trembled as tears were forming in your eyes.

"You didn't calm me down! If anything,  you made me angrier!" His free hand gripped your cheeks together tightly, causing pain.

"I'm sorry, J! Just please let me go, you're hurting me!" You sobbed out, the grip on your hair and cheeks becoming too painful.

"Fucking leave. Go clean or something, and take your fucking food with you. I don't want to see you right now," He let go of you and shoved you to the floor.

"I'm sorry, J. I didn't mean to get you angry," You sniffled, trying to control your ragged breaths. You quickly stood up, grabbed the plate, and scurried out of the room, closing the door quietly.

What the hell happened back there? He has never been violent with you, he treated you like his queen.

You left the plate in the kitchen table and left to the bathroom to see if any damage had been done. It had.

You had a bruise forming, and you burst into tears again. He surely didn't mean to hurt you. He was probably just very angry, and you were the closest thing he could have let his anger out on.

'This was just a one time thing. It won't happen again,' you thought to yourself, putting makeup over the bruise.

Oh, how very wrong you were.


"I take care of you, I buy you whatever you want, and this is how repay me!?" Jerome yelled, slapping you so hard you fell to the floor.

J. Valeska ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now