Chapter 25

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The apprentice ceremony had happened the night before. Winterfrost had begged Rabbitstar to let her mentor Snowypaw and Mountainpaw so that no other mentor would just be impatient and careless.

The rest of her kits got other cats as their mentor. Spottedpaw and Mousepaw where apprentices to Amberpelt, Poppyroot got Graypaw and Quailpaw, Rainpaw and Darkpaw where mentored by Riverbite, Lillyheart mentored Featherpaw, Mistypaw, and Riverpaw, Lionpaw, Whitepaw, and Wolfpaw got Windfang, and Snowypaw, Mountainpaw, and Firepaw got Winterfrost.

Now Winterfrost was showing them the territory. Mostly for Snowypaw and Mountainpaw's reason so that they know the territory more.

"Winterfrost, are we going to the Sunclan border? Can we meet Fireclaw there?" Mountainpaw asked.

"We are going to the Sunclan border but not to see Fireclaw. I'm showing you the territory, so please try to remember it." Winterfrost replied.

"But we might see Fireclaw, right?" Firepaw asked. Winterfrost didn't answer right away. She looked at her son. He looks so much like Fireclaw when he was an apprentice. Winterfrost thought. The same amber eyes, the same orange pelt and white spot.

"We might see him but its a low chance." Winterfrost meowed at last.

The rest of the way none of the cats said a word except Winterfrost warning Mountainpaw when to stop. Mountainpaw looked irritated but didn't say anything.

Winterfrost suddenly didn't see the small dip in the ground and didn't warn Mountainpaw in time. With a loud yowl, he stumbled and fell down, landing on his chest.

It only lasted a few moments, for Mountainpaw quickly got up and leaped out of it, shaking his ruffled fur. 

Only in a few seconds where the group at the Sunclan border. Winterfrost tasted the air and gasped. A Darkclan patrol! Winterfrost tried to know the scents. Fireclaw, the deputy, Fishclaw, and the medicine cat, Shiningpelt, where all the cats she knew. She had spoke once to Fishclaw and seen Featherwisp talking to Shiningpelt. There was lots more cats, but Winterfrost didn't know any of them.

Wait, they aren't slowing down! Don't they scent us? Winterfrost thought. Quickly she shoved the apprentices in the nearest bush and crawled in behind them just as a patrol crashed over the border and heading towards Rainclan camp.

Winterfrost heard the pounding of pawsteps as more cats rushed over the border. 

Oh Starclan! It is the entireclan of Sunclan! Something terrible must have happened! Winterfrost though, suddenly feeling a really bad feeling that made her feel dizzy.

The rest of the warriors and queens holding kits ran over the border but the elders where slow behind. They where running but out of breath and not catching up. Then, a strong scent of Darkclan washed over her and she heard more pounding of pawsteps. 

Oh no! Darkclan! Winterfrost thought fearfully. Hurry up! Darkclan is almost right behind you, elders! She silently pleaded. They won't make it!

"Go back to camp. Now!!" Winterfrost ordered the apprentices as she launched herself out of her hiding spot and hurled herself to the elders, who where now wheezing and panting with effort. Darkclan must have really spooked them! Winterfrost thought as she slowed behind the elders.

The Darkclan cats where now catching up. Winterfrost knew what she had to do. She thought about her clan, about Fireclaw and about their kits. About the Sunclan elders who where trying their hardest to catch up. Then, confidently, she stood tall and proud as the Darkclan cats skidded to a halt in front of her. Thornstar was first to approach her.

"Move out of the way, or we will rip you to mouse dust." Thornstar growled.

"You will have to go through me to hurt another clan today!" Winterfrost hissed, glaring straight into Thornstar's cold dark eyes.

"Have it your way then." He simply said.

"Kill her." he ordered.

Winterfrost didn't even flinch as Darkclan cats leaped at her. But she knew that she had to get to the other two clans without Darkclan following. 

Then suddenly, a group of cats raced out of the Rainclan forest. It was Fireclaw, Poppyroot, Rabbitstar, Weedbite, and Darksoul. The apprentices must have told the clan that she was here! No. She wouldn't let them get hurt, but Thornstar already didn't allow it.

"They are her backup! Block them! But allow them to watch her die!" Thornstar ordered. 

A line of Darkclan cats lined up in front of the patrol. Winterfrost looked at them. Fireclaw had worry and sorrow in his eyes. Also greif. Was he assuming that she was good as dead right now?

With Fireclaw watching, Winterfrost refused to fall. She could only try to scare them away. She hissed loudly and spit, but the Darkclan cats didn't budge.

Winterfrost was running out of ideas. She finally had a new one. She stood tall and looked at the sky. It was twinkling brightly. Then she looked back at the Darkclan cats. With all the force she could give, she gave a loud yowl. Only when it came out it wasn't a yowl! It couldn't have been! Winterfrost heard a loud roar instead of a yowl. That couldn't have been her! But then, she felt herself changing.

She started to grow, and turned into a lioness. The Darkclan cats looked at her with wide eyes. Winterfrost roared again but this time it was louder and stronger. The trees around shook and near by birds took flight.

Darkclan looked at her again and fled, not caring if they looked scared. Winterfrost looked at Fireclaw and the patrol. They hissed and their fur ruffled, but Fireclaw was just looking at her closely.

Only in a heart beat, she shrunk down back to her size and color. She shyly padded over to Fireclaw. Poppyroot, Weedbite, Darksoul, and Rabbitstar where wide eyed still. Darksoul seemed to be happy and scared, Rabbitstar was a bit freaked out, Weedbite seemed normal but a bit ruffled, and Poppyroot was scared but okay.

"Lets go back to camp. Please don't mention this, I'll explain everything in Rabbitstar's den later if that's okay but I'm begging you not to tell anyone!" Winterfrost pleaded.

All the cats slowly nodded their heads and the patrol started to go back to the camp.


Yay! Action! Lots of questions now? Like why'd that happen? and Where is Yellowfang? and What happened to Sunclan? Well, read on to find out! =3

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